Define Robots Meta Tags to Instruct Search Engines


Enhance the control over the indexing, following, and archiving behavior of knowledge base articles using the "no index," "no follow," and "no archive" tags. These tags offer advanced capabilities for SEO optimization and content management within your knowledge base.

Enablement note:

To get this capability enabled, please reach out to our support team at

  • NoIndex Tag:

    • The content on the page will not be included in search engine results. Although the page can still be accessed directly via its URL, it won't contribute to search engine rankings or visibility.

  • NoFollow Tag:

    • The links present on the page are not considered when determining the target site's SEO value. It's a way for the linking website to say, "Don't pass any SEO value to this site I'm linking to.

  • NoArchive Tag:

    • Search engines usually keep a cached copy of web pages for quick retrieval. The NoArchive tag prevents this caching, ensuring that a stored, historical version of the page is not retained.


Users can conveniently define these tags from the properties tab of the article's third pane. The tags will be presented as a list of values, allowing users to select from the Robots Meta Tag custom field. This user-friendly approach ensures seamless application of these tags, providing greater flexibility in managing the visibility and accessibility of knowledge base articles.