Automated Sampling and Allocation


​Sampling Action

To assign cases for evaluation, it becomes important to randomly pick a sample of cases for assignment. To sample cases based on different business scenarios, for example, 10 cases per day, 20 cases per month for every agent, etc., can be handled through the sampling actions that are present in Case Update Rules. The different parameters involved in the conditions are as follows:

  1. Add Sampled data to Queue - Select the case queue where the sampled cases are to be added.

  2. Number of Samples - Select the number of cases that are needed to sample.

  3. Sampling Duration - Select the window for which the cases should be sampled. This can be set to days, weeks, months, etc.,

  4. Sampling Start Time - Select the start time as to when the sampling should begin.

  5. Define Sampling Priority - Prioritize cases to be sampled basis of different case custom fields and the below-mentioned fields.

    - Predicted CSAT Score

    - Difference between Current and Initial Predicted CSAT Ratings

    - Latest Call Duration Time

    - Latest Connected Voice Call Talk Time in Case

    - Longest Voice Call Talk Time in Case

    - From User Channel Type

    For Picklist and Multipicklist fields, you can choose from predefined values in the dropdown menu.

    For Text, Text Area, and Text Multi fields, you can specify exact text that must match.

    For Number and Date fields, you can select either ascending or descending order. For instance, when dealing with CSAT scores, selecting "descending" would prioritize cases with the highest scores.

    It's important to note that the priority order is determined in the sequence in which values are entered and conditions are chosen.

  6. Sample for Each - Select the field basis which sampling is done. In the following example, 2 cases will be sampled for every last engaged user within the case conversations.

How does sampling actually work?

The sampling action creates a bucket which takes in all the cases, and by the end of the sampling duration window, cases are sampled and inserted into the mentioned case queue. The new set of cases start entering into a new bucket created for the next sample duration. The sampling start time is based on the Logged in User time cone. Note that using this sampling condition, the cases which are not sampled cannot be tracked.

Live Sampling

Live Sampling is the process of sampling live incoming cases. In Quality Management, whenever a case is closed, it is moved to a case queue say “Cases Available for Sampling” to track them. Trigger based Case Update rules are created to sample cases present in the “Cases Available for Sampling”  queues. Whenever cases are closed by the agents they will flow into the “Cases Available for Sampling” queue and based on the sampling logic setup in the rule, cases will be sampled in real time as per the set trigger frequency. For Live Sampling of cases, the trigger time is generally set around 1-2 hours.​

On Demand / Manual Sampling using Rule Engine

If cases have to be sampled manually, On Demand Case Update rules can be created. This is used when apart from automated sampling, the user wants to pick up cases present in the case queue and assign cases manually.

Case Allocation

In Quality Management, an evaluation is assigned to the user and not the case.

There are many ways an evaluation can be assigned for quality evaluation.

  1. Manual Assignment using Macro

  2. Automated Assignment using Rules

Manual Assignment using Macro

Various macro actions are present which can be used to create case level macros to assign quality evaluation.

  1. Assign for Evaluation - This action allows to input the user name to whom the evaluation is to be assigned and the checklist to assign.

  2. Assign For Evaluation to Me - This action will ask for an input checklist and will assign the evaluation to the user who applies the macro.

Manual Unassignment using Macro

  1. Unassign Pending Quality Evaluations - This action asks to input a user name from whom the evaluation is unassigned.

  2. Unassign My Pending Quality Evaluations - This action unassigns quality evaluation from the user who applies the macro.

Unassigning Pending Peer-to-Peer Evaluations with Macros

Use the "Unassign Pending Peer-to-Peer Evaluations" macro, especially when some of the assigned auditors are on leave or unavailable. This ensures that P2P evaluations are completed efficiently, allowing you to check final scores with ease.

For instance, if 20 auditors are assigned a case for peer-to-peer (P2P) evaluation, and only 10 have completed while the rest 10 are on leave, you can utilize the macro with the "Unassign Pending Peer-to-Peer Evaluations" action for those remaining 10.

Automated Assignment using Rules

The Automated Sampling allows users to bulk assign cases to quality managers based on business requirements. Rule Engine is leveraged to create the rules for automated sampling of cases.

Case Update rules are setup to define conditions and actions based on which cases are assigned for quality evaluations. Assignmemt of cases can be done to individual users or set of users, using a Work Queue.​

There are different sub-actions that are used to during Evaluation assignment.

  1. Audit Checklist - The default checklist on which the evaluation starts.

  2. Evaluation Type - The evaluation on which the calibration is performed.

  3. Agent to Evaluate - Select the user on which the evaluation is assigned such as Last Agent, First Agent and Most Engaged Agent.

  4. Unassign if not evaluated after - Unassign the audits after a specified time period, eliminating the need for Quality Managers to manually unassign overdue audits.

  5. Conversation Selector - Select the conversation that are assigned for evaluation.



Brand Response Type

Atleast 1 Agent Message, Only Bot Messages, Atleast 1 Bot Message, Only Agent Messages

Call - Advisor Talk Time

This measures the total time the advisor (agent or representative) spends talking during a conversation.

Call - Customer Talk Time

This measures the total time the customer spends talking during a conversation.

Call - Total Talk Time

Check the Total talk time in the call.

Call Dead-Air Time

Check the Dead air time in the call.

Call Disconnection Type

Select how the call got disconnected Agent, System, Remote

Call Disposition

Standard Dipositions filled after case is disposed

Call Disposition Plan

Standard Diposition Plan filled after case is disposed

Call Hold Count

No of time a call is put on Hold

Call Hold Time

Time for which the call is put on Hold

Call Mute Time

Time for which the call was on Mute

Call Recording Exisit

Check if Call recordings are present in the call or not

Call Sub-Disposition

Standard Sub-Dipositions filled after case is disposed


Channel or Social Network of the Conversation


Total Duration of the conversation

No of Agent Messages

Total Agent replied messaged in the conversation

No of Brand Messages

Total Agent replied messaged in the conversation

No of Bot Messages

Total Agent replied messaged in the conversation

No of Customer Messages

Total Agent replied messaged in the conversation

No of Messages

Total Agent replied messaged in the conversation

Call Direction

Indicates whether the call was inbound or outbound.

Conditions Used in Sampling Rules

List of various conditions that are generally used to create sampling rules:

Condition Name

Condition Meaning

Case Queue

Check if cases are present in a particular queue

Assignment Present

Check if the case is currently assigned to any user who is engaged in the conversation. This field should be set "No" in order to assign for quality evaluation

Associated Brand Message Count

Total number of brand messages in the case

Associated Fan Message Count

Total number of fan messages in the case

Associated Fan-Brand Message Count

Total number of fan & brand messages in the case

Business Hours

Check if the time is currently within the selected business hours


Campaign associated with the case

Case Queue Assignment Time Duration

Time till the case is present in the case queue


List of various accounts from which case is originated

Channel Type

List of various channels

From User Channel Type

List of the first channel from where the fan message has originated from

User Status

Checks the status of the user selected

Latest Voice Call Duration

Duration of the last voice call in the case. This includes ring time, talk time & hold time

Latest Connected Voice Call Talk Time in Case

Talk Time of the last voice call in the case

Longest Voice Call Talk Time in Case

Checks the longest talk time call within the case

Social Network

Social Network of the case

Advisor Talk Time

This measures the total time the advisor (agent or representative) spends talking during a conversation.

Advisor Talk Time Percentage

This is the percentage of the total conversation time that the advisor spends talking.

Customer Talk Time

This measures the total time the customer spends talking during a conversation.

Customer Talk Time Percentage

This is the percentage of the total conversation time that the customer spends talking.