Scheduled Exports of the Editorial Calendar


In this article, you will learn how to set scheduled exports from the editorial calendar for repeating time intervals and save time by automating the export process.

To Schedule an Export

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing tab, switch to the Marketing section, then click Editorial Calendar within Plan

  2. From the Dashboard Bar of the Editorial Calendar window, click the Options icon. 

  3. Select Settings > Scheduled Exports from the dropdown that appears. 

  4. In the top right corner of the Scheduled Exports window, click Add Scheduled Export.

  5. On the Create Scheduled Export page, fill in the required details. For more information, see Create Scheduled Exports — Field Descriptions

  6. Click Save.

Manage Scheduled Exports

  1. In the Scheduled Exports window, you can enable and disable the status of the Export by clicking on the toggle under the status column. You will no longer receive the export if it is disabled.

  2. By clicking on the Options icon next to the name of the Scheduled Export you can see the following options:

    1. Edit - Edit the details of the scheduled export.

    2. Clone - Make a copy of the scheduled export.

    3. Trigger now - Trigger an export right away.

    4. Delete - Delete a scheduled export.

Create Scheduled Exports — Field Descriptions




Enter a name for your Export.


Add tags for your export configuration.


Select a board from the dropdown to associate your export with.

Export As

Choose the format for your Export. Options are:

  • iCal

  • Excel Worksheet

  • PDF Document - Calendar Mode

  • PDF Document - Card

  • Image Card

Date Range 

Select a date range from the available options. 

Schedule Type

Select the duration:

  • Minutes

  • Hourly

  • Daily (Include Weekend)

  • Daily (Exclude Weekend)

  • Weekly

  • Monthly

Repeat Every

Select recurrence for your export


Select a country.

Time Zone

Select a time zone.


Type to use the title as the subject of the e-mail that you receive

Sender Name 

Type the Sender's name

Reply To

Add an email address to which replies should be sent.

Recipient User/User Groups 

Add User(s) or User Group(s) to send the export to.

Recipient Email IDs

Add the recipient's email IDs to send the export to. 

Exclude Me

Select the checkbox to exclude yourself from receiving the export. By default, you are a recipient of the exports. 

Email Footer Note

Type the footer note for the export email.