How to Setup AI Scoring Rules?


To get AI scoring on a case a Case Update rule has to be setup. Running that rule gives AI scoring on the cases. The different rule condition that is used while setting Up the Send to Scoring Engine actions are explained below.

  1. Audit Checklist - This lists out the checklists which are marked standard for AI evaluations

  2. Preferred Engine - This lists out two different scoring engine AI and MVEL. This is selected based on the customer use cases.

  3. Re-evaluate - This is to re-evaluate the cases if it is already scored by AI.

  4. Attribute AI Scoring to - A handling to assign the AI scores to which user involved in the case. It can be the Most Engaged Agent, First Agent, Last Agent.

  5. Conversation Selector - Select the conversation of the case for cases where there are multiple conversationss based on channel switch.



Brand Response Type

Atleast 1 Agent Message, Only Bot Messages, Atleast 1 Bot Message, Only Agent Messages

Call - Advisor Talk Time

Check the advisor talk time in the call.

Call - Customer Talk Time

Check the Customer talk time in the call.

Call - Total Talk Time

Check the Total talk time in the call.

Call Dead-Air Time

Check the Dead air time in the call.

Call Disconnection Type

Select how the call got disconnected Agent, System, Remote

Call Disposition

Standard Dipositions filled after case is disposed

Call Disposition Plan

Standard Diposition Plan filled after case is disposed

Call Hold Count

No of time a call is put on Hold

Call Hold Time

Time for which the call is put on Hold

Call Mute Time

Time for which the call was on Mute

Call Recording Exisit

Check if Call recordings are present in the call or not

Call Sub-Disposition

Standard Sub-Dipositions filled after case is disposed


Channel or Social Network of the Conversation


Total Duration of the conversation

No of Agent Messages

Total Agent replied messaged in the conversation

No of Brand Messages

Total Agent replied messaged in the conversation

No of Bot Messages

Total Agent replied messaged in the conversation

No of Customer Messages

Total Agent replied messaged in the conversation

No of Messages

Total Agent replied messaged in the conversation


•To create checklist for AI evaluations reach out to the Sprinklr Support Team.

•Post creation of the rule, it can be used in macros as well to manually run AI scoring on cases.