What are AI Insights?


Quality Managers can gain actionable and meaningful insights around agent's performance and identify coaching opportunities by understanding the reasons behind the scores provided by AI on quality paramaters. Additionally, agents can work on their weaknesses by better using the corrective actions and recommendations by AI.

Relevant User Personas

Quality Managers and Supervisors

  • Get more actionable insights on agent performance and coaching opportunities

Care Agents

  • A clear understanding of how to improve on weaknesses

Understanding AI Insights

To view detailed insights behind each parameter of the AI quality scores -

  • In the AI Score Breakdown widget, click on the AI score category to view the distribution of AI scores on different parameters such as grammar, agent introduction, tonality, empathy, feedback, and so on.

  • View detailed explanations on how each parameter works, along with examples of how to do well on that parameter.

    For example:

    - Understand what courtesy means with examples of phrases construed as courteous by AI.

    - Get insights on the grammatical errors made by the agents with corrections to coach them.

    - Understand what phrases customers find empathetic and what constitutes good opening and closing quality.

  • Agents, too, can work on their weaknesses by better using the corrective actions and recommendations provided by AI.