Secure Form Encryption


To implement secure form encryption, you can use the following SDK information.

  • This SDK allows you to subscribe to external callback events and implement encryption for secure forms according to your specific requirements.

    function handleSecureFormEncryption({ response: { data }, cb) => {      /* *   data: { *      actionId: string; // configure it in submit button to        uniquely identify which form is submitted  *      actionPayload: { *        fields: {}; // all configured field come here *        values: {}; // map of fieldName vs values         *      }, *      contextId: string;  // conversationId *   } */ if (data) { // here run the encryption logic & then call callback with    required structure       // if encryption is run successfully then call with -        cb({             encryptedData: {               // map of fieldName vs encrypted values             },              unencryptedData: {               // map of fieldName vs unencrypted values               // values that are not being encrypted should be                // returned as it is             }         });      // if encryption is failed then call with -        cb(null, error); } }  sprChat('subScriberToUpdate', { topic: 'externalCallback',  subscriber: handleSecureFormEncryption, });
  • You should implement the handleSecureFormEncryption function to manage secure form encryption. The function takes a response object and a callback function as parameters.

Unencrypted Data in SDK

  • Utilize the fieldName parameter to pass values.

  • This data will be visible in Care Console if the "show data" option is used.

Encrypted Data in SDK

  • You can create a new fieldName and pass it along with its values.

  • Encrypted data will not be visible in Care Console even when the "show data" option is used.