Bulk Import X Cards


X cards allow you to advertise on X with more attractive, visual, and dynamic content that helps capture your audience's attention with images and videos. You can create multiple X cards at once by using the X Cards Import capability within Sprinklr Marketing (Ads). This will allow you to save a lot of time that would be spent on creating each card manually and give more visibility on X.

To Import X Cards

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Tools and Settings within Plan.

  2. On the Tools & Settings window, click X Cards Imports from the options within Import/Export Settings.

  3. Click Import X Card in the top right corner of the X Cards Imports window.

  4. Under the Import File section on the Bulk Import pop-up window, Drag and Drop an Excel/CSV file with your X card information, or click Upload to select the file from your system. You can also download an Excel Template for your X Cards from the Creative Library (DAM) Bulk Import.


    You can upload an Excel sheet up to a limit of 25k rows.

  5. Under the Import Images/Video section, upload your media from a ZIP file by simply using Drag and Drop or click Upload to select the file from your system.

  6. Click Import in the bottom-right corner to complete the process.

To Update Existing X Card Details via Bulk Import

1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Tools and Settings within Plan.
2. On the Tools & Settings window, click X Cards Imports from the options within Import/Export Settings.
3. Select the file you want to export from the Response File URL column and click on the Download link. The file will be downloaded as an Excel Sheet with all the information about the card.
4. Make changes to the existing card details or update the X channel card id to update the existing card.
5. After updating the sheet you can import it back into the system by following the steps given above.

To Pull X Cards using Ads Manager Bulk Import

1. Upload your X Cards in the Asset Manager or using X Cards Imports.

2. Copy the X Card Channel Id by following the steps given below for the respective import area:

From X Cards Imports:

  1. Navigate to the X Cards Imports window, and click Download under the Response File URL column for the desired X Card Import.

  2. In the Response File, copy the Channel Id from the X Card Channel Id column for the desired X Card you would like to pull in using bulk import.

From Creative Library:

  1. Navigate to the Creative Library window and double-click on the desired X Card you would like to pull in using bulk import.

  2. From the right Navigation pane, click Properties and copy the X Card Channel Id under Channel Id.​

3. Open your bulk import file and paste the channel id in the X Card Channel Id column.

4. Fill in the following columns as well with the corresponding values:

  • Unpublished Post Text - Place a copy of the Tweet Body within this field.

  • Unpublished Post Type - Enter STATUS within this field.


All the X Cards that are bulk imported will have Status as their Unpublished Post Type.

5. Next, click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Ads Manager within Plan.

6. Click the Options icon in the top right corner of the Ads Manager window and select Import.

7. On the Bulk Import window, select X Cards from the Import drop-down menu.

8. Click Upload to upload your Bulk Import file with the X Card details.

9. From the bottom right corner of the Bulk Import window, click Import to pull in X Cards.