Create X App Download Cards


Sprinklr supports the creation of X Image and Video App Download Cards using the Digital Asset Manager. You can create app download cards to drive installs for mobile applications with several call-to-action buttons for users to take specific actions on viewing your ads.

To Create X App Download Cards

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Creative Library within Plan.

  2. On the Digital Asset Manager (DAM) window, click the drop-down alongside Add Asset and select X Card.

  3. On the Create New Asset window, select X Image App Download Card or X Video App Download Card from the Template drop-down menu.
    Selecting Image or Video App Download Card in Sprinklr Asset Manager

  4. Enter the details as per the requirement. For more information, see X App Download Cards — Field Descriptions.

X App Download Cards — Field Descriptions



X Card

Select X Image/Video App Download Card from the drop-down.
Ad Account

Select the X Ad Account.

Image (Applicable for Image App Download Card)

Select or upload an image. Allowed specifications: Minimum width of 800px, Maximum Size of 3 MB, Width:Height with the aspect ratio 1.91:1.

Video (Applicable for Video App Download Card)

Select or upload a video (allowed aspect ratio is 16:9).

App Description

Enter a description of your app.

Primary App Store Territory

Select a primary territory where the app is available.

Call To Action

Select an immediate response for your ad from the drop-down menu.

Android Apps*

Select the andriod app you want to promote from the drop-down menu.

Google Play app Deep link URL

Enter the deep link URL for the application on Google Play.

iOS Apps*

Select the iOS app you want to promote from the drop-down menu.

iOS Deep link URL

Enter the deep link URL for the application on iOS.



Enter a Card Name.


Enter the Description for your card.

Delete all posts associated to this asset upon the expiry of this asset

Check the box to delete all the posts associated with the selected asset upon expiration.


Select campaign(s) from the drop-down.


Select the status of your card.

Available From

Assign the date your card will be available from.

Visible From

Assign the date your card will be visible from.

Expires On
Assign the date of expiry of your card or check the box alongside Never Expires.

Select the tag(s).

Mark your card as Restricted or Not Restricted.

Select the Brand(s).


Select Persona.

Customer Journey Stage

Select the Customer Journey Stage.

Automated Tags

Select Automated Tags.


Enter the information for your card.

Asset Sharing

Visible in all workspaces

Check the box to make your card visible in all workspaces.


Select particular workspace(s) for your asset to be visible in.

Users/Users Groups

Select User(s) or Users Group(s) for your asset to be visible in.