How to Install & Setup the Adobe Ads Integration


Adobe Analytics setup is a straight forward process and it can be done by anyone who has admin access to the Adobe Analytics account

Please follow the below steps and prepare all the metrics,dimensions and identify the unique identifiers to have a seamless experience during the configuration.

Before you Begin

  • Ensure user adding the Adobe Analytics in Sprinklr Marketplace have Admin permissions in Google Analytics.

  • Understand the Metrics which you want to track in Sprinklr.

  • Identify the Unique Identifier in your URLs which will help you to map the data to the best possible granular level.

Integration Steps

You are required to raise a support ticket with Sprinklr Support requesting the Public Certificate which is required for the configuration of the Adobe Analytics connector. The support team will provide you with the certificate which will be used in Step 2.2.


  • The Support Team is required to verify the accessibility of the Integration user.

  • Since Integration User is the sole Administrator, the customer is required to verify the accessibility for the Report Suites, Metrics, and Dimensions, and inform the same to the support team to get the certificate which will be used in Step 2.2.

  1. The customer is required to navigate to the following URL: Note that you can only access the site as an Administrator.

  2. Find Adobe Analytics under the Product tab.


    The name - Adobe Analytics - will vary depending on how the customer has named Adobe Analytics in their environment.

  3. Next, navigate to Product Profiles inside the Adobe Analytics product.AdminConsole_Products_AdobeAnalytics_ProductProfiles.png

  4. Edit and verify if you have access to the desired Report SuitesMetrics, and Dimensions.AdobeAnalytics_ReportSuites.png

    1. Additionally, click Edit alongside the desired entity and add, update, or remove the permissions. AdobeAnalytics_Permissions.png

  5. After the verification, confirm that the Integration User has access to Report SuitesMetrics, and Dimensions. And now request for a certificate from the Support Team.

Once you've got the certificate from the Sprinklr support team, you are now required to create an API Integration within the Adobe IO Console. For more information, see Creating an API Integration.

  1. Navigate to the following URL:

  2. Within the Project tab, click the Create new project button.AdobeConsole_Projects_CreateNewProject.png

  3. Click the Add to Project button and select API from the drop-down menu. AdobeConsole_Projects_CreateNewProject_AddToProject.png

  4. On the Add an API pop-up window, select Adobe Analytics and click Next in the bottom right corner of the Add an API pop-up window.AdobeConsole_Projects_CreateNewProject_AdobeAnalytics.png

  5. On the Configure API pop-up window, select Service Account (JWT). Next, use the Public Certificate shared by the Sprinklr support team and select the Product Profiles to assign the integration to a specific Cloud Manager role.

    Select Service Account (JWT) in the Configure API pop-up window.


    Upload the Public Certificate shared by the Sprinklr support team in the Configure API pop-up window.


    Select the Product Profiles in the Configure API pop-up window.


  6. Click Save configured API in the bottom right corner of the Configure API pop-up window. Once you save the configured API, an Integration is created message will appear on the window.

  • Your client is now created. Notice your client has a Client ID (sometimes referred to as an API Key), an Organization ID, Technical Account ID, and Client Secret values.

  • You can get all the relevant API keys Under APIS. Note that the following information is available, you can copy/save the info to install Adobe APIs in the Sprinklr Marketplace as mentioned in Step 4.

    • API Key (client_id)

    • Client Secret (client_secret)



  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Governance Console, click Manage Marketplace within Integrations.

  2. In the Market Place window, scroll down to the Analytics section and click Install for Site Catalyst.MarketPlace_SiteCatalyst_Install.png

  3. In the Install Site Catalyst pop-up window, enter a Name and Description.

  4. Click Save in the bottom-right corner.MarketPlace_SiteCatalyst_Install_Name.png

  5. Under Site Catalyst User, click Add an application user to configure the application further to authenticate Adobe Analytics into Sprinklr.MarketPlace_SiteCatalyst_Install_SiteUser.png

  6. In the Add Site Catalyst User pop-up window, enter the obtained details from Step 3. Next, click Add in the bottom right corner of the Add Site Catalyst User pop-up window.MarketPlace_SiteCatalyst.png

  7. Click Save in the top right corner to configure Adobe Analytics in Sprinklr.

  1. On the Market Place window, click Installed from the top dashboard bar.

  2. Under the Analytics section, identify the Site Catalyst you want to configure and click Edit.Edit Site Catalyst

  3. On the Configuration window, you can view and configure the application further. For more information, see Configure Site Catalyst — Descriptions.


  • If you do not have the appropriate permissions to add an Adobe Analytics account and proceed to give Sprinklr permission for fetching the data, you will be prompted with an error message to get the desired permissions and then add the account.

  • If you have selected incompatible metrics and dimensions in your Adobe Analytics configuration, you will receive an error message that the dimensions and metrics which you have added are not compatible with each other, on saving the configuration.

By default, the validation will be enabled. To learn more about getting this capability disabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Internal Note:

Use these DPs:


  • OMNITURE_VALIDATION_DISABLED("omniture.validation.disabled", BOOLEAN, PARTNER)

Enablement of this capability requires additional setup.

Configure Site Catalyst4. Click Save in the top-right corner.

Configure Site Catalyst — Descriptions

Site Catalyst Overview

View the Site Catalyst details such as the Name, Client, etc.

Site Catalyst Overview

Site Catalyst User

View the users that are added to configure the Site Catalyst. You can click the Addition box to add multiple users.

Site Catalyst User

Report Suites

A report suite defines the complete, independent reporting on a chosen website, set of websites, or a subset of web pages.

Select a report suite from the Select a report suite drop-down menu. You can also click the Addition icon alongside to add multiple report suites.

For each report suite, you can further configure the details given below.


Configure the following:

  • Parameter

  • Name

  • Data Type

  • Description

  • Hidden Parameters

  • Profile Parameters

  • Post Parameters

  • Account Parameters

  • Ad Parameters


  • Sprinklr will fetch data in any scenario and will try to map it to the ad entity level at which we are able to find the unique ad identifier that you have defined in the configuration. If you haven't defined any unique identifier, data will reflect in Sprinklr but won’t be associated with any Ad.

  • For Adobe Analytics data to populate correctly in Ads Reporting, ensure that you select 'URL Parameter' instead of 'Containing' as the Condition Type while configuring Ad Parameters.


Configure the following:

  • Parameter

  • Name

  • Data Type

  • Description

  • Hidden Parameters

Single Dimension Measurements

Configure the following:

  • Measurement

  • Selected Dimension

  • Name

  • Data Type

  • Description

Measurement Interval Configuration

Configure the following:

  • Measurement Parameter

  • Interval Type

The default interval is hourly for all measurements.

Data Configuration

Configure the following:

  • Warehouse

    • Client ID

    • Client Secret

    • Mandatory Parameters

  • Streaming

    • Streaming URL

    • Mandatory Parameters

Site Catalyst Report Suite


Define the Client/Groups and Users/Groups you want to share this application across.

Site Catalyst Visibility