Capacity Configuration for Omni-channel Agents


Unified routing allows Channel level capacity configuration where administrators can allocate and manage capacity across multiple communication channels within a contact center or customer service environment. In simple terms, users can set how much capacity should be consumed by each case for that particular channel. So if the agent is able to handle a maximum of 3 Email cases at a time and a maximum of 10 cases from Facebook at a time, we can define the channel level capacity as

Maximum number of cases from Channel : Facebook = 10

Maximum number of cases from Channel : Email = 3

The above definition of channels and their capacities is called Capacity Configuration and this is then assigned to the agent. All the cases which will be getting assigned to the agent will follow the capacity configuration which is assigned to the agent.

Illustration of Channel based Capacity

Suppose agent has 100 as total capacity points. An agent has the capability to work on 4 Email Cases at a time. This means an agent should get a maximum of 4 Email cases at a time, not more than that. Therefore, in the agent's capacity configuration, we define that an Email case can consume 25 capacity points of an agent, if assigned. But, suppose now we want to assign a voice call to the agent. Here, only one call can be assigned to the agent as he/she can talk to only one customer at a time. The next call will be assigned only when the previous call is complete. Hence we have to define that if a voice call is routed to the agent for assignment, it has to consume complete 100 capacity points so that no other assignment from any channel can be done to the agent at the time of call.  

This capacity consumed per channel can be set for multiple channels, such as incoming voice calls, social media queries, Email interactions, livechat messages, etc. As a result of this, combination of cases from multiple channels can be asisgend to the agent, e.g., in figure above, a scenario can occur agent can take up 3 cases, 1 Chat case + 2 Email cases, which will consume the total capacity capacity of the agent.

Example of Omni channel Capacity Configuration

Use Case :

Set up capacity configuration in such a way that an agent should not recieve more than 2 cases from "Social" channel and not more than 5 cases from "Email" channel at a time. The agent is abled enough to handle the 2 Social cases + 5 Email cases simultaneously. No other channel cases should be assigned to agent automatically.

Configuration :

Here we define two capacity groups for "Social" and "Email" respectively. We divide the total agent capacity (100 Points) into two halves, 50 points for "Social" and 50 for "Email" cases.

Capacity Group 1 : Since we want a maximum of 2 cases to be assigned to agent from "Social" channel, we calculate the Capacity Consumed per Case as Maximum Allowed Capacity / Maximum number of Cases, i.e., 50/2 = 25.

Capacity Group 2 : Since we want a maximum of 5 cases to be assigned to agent from "Email" channel, we calculate the Capacity Consumed per Case as Maximum Allowed Capacity / Maximum number of Cases, i.e., 50/5 = 10.

Benefits of Multi-Channel Capacity Allocation

Centralized Workload Management

Brands can handle the workload across multiple channels from a single interface. They can set and adjust capacity limits for each channel, ensuring efficient resource allocation and workload distribution across their contact center. By aligning case assignments with agent capacities, supervisors can maximize the utilization of agents' skills and expertise. It ensures that agents are neither underutilized nor overburdened, resulting in efficient resource allocation and improved operational efficiency. 

Quality and Speed of Service 

By ensuring that agents work within their capacity limits, Unified Routing helps brands in maintaining a high standard of service quality. Agents can dedicate sufficient time and attention to each case, leading to more accurate and thorough resolutions. This improves customer satisfaction and reduces the likelihood of errors or delays in handling cases. 

Scalability and Flexibility

Brands can easily scale their operations by adjusting capacity limits for different channels. They can adapt to changing customer demands and efficiently manage high volumes of customer interactions during peak periods. This flexibility enables brands to meet customer expectations and maintain service levels across all channels.

Holistic Channel Management

Unified Routing's multi-channel capacity configuration enables brands to have a comprehensive view of their contact center operations. They can monitor and analyze capacity utilization, performance metrics, and customer interactions across different channels. These insights help supervisors to identify any imbalances, capacity constraints, or areas where additional training or support may be required. By having visibility into agent capacity and workload, supervisors can make informed decisions to optimize resource allocation and improve overall performance.