Creating Capacity Configuration


Unified routing gives us the ability to manage the assignment of cases or tasks in a more robust and precise way, which helps teams manage their resources efficiently and cater to customer queries proficiently and smoothly. In this article, you will learn about how unified routing helps you to manage the capacity consumption of the agents based on the different types of cases they handle.

Business Use Case

Brands want their agents to handle multiple channel cases and define the number of cases to be handled.

  1. At any time, the client wants to restrict the total number of cases/calls that a particular agent should handle.

  2. If there are omnichannel agents, who handle Social, Voice, and Email; the admin should be able to define a capacity profile to prioritize any specific channel case.


  1. Admin will be able to define different types of capacity groups under a capacity profile. 

  2. Each capacity group can be also given the condition of which channel can interrupt this type of channel.

Configuration steps

1. Capacity Configuration can be accessed from the Unified Routing home-page by clicking on the capacity icon from the left hand side vertical bar.

2. After clicking on the icon shown above you will land on the Capacity Configuration page.

  • Field



    Contains the name given by the user to the capacity profile.

    Allowed Capacity Overflow

    All agents by default have 100 capacity units/points with them for case assignment. Any number of capacity units/points assigned over and above that default value for case assignment of priority interruption cases is mentioned here. (Would be discussed in further detail) 


    This is the target number of Cases that need to be assigned to an agent and is available only for reporting purposes.

    Total daily assignment Capacity

    Maximum Limit on total number of cases that can be assigned to the user in a day. The day is considered based on the TimeZone of the user set in Agents tab.

    Now, before we start configuring capacity profile, let us understand a few things first about how Capacity works :

    1. All capacity measurements inside ACD are done on a capacity units/points basis. All agents are allotted as a default, 100 capacity units/points to start with. 

    2. Then comes the field “Allowed Capacity Overflow”. Herein we can add capacity units/points to a user’s profile, over and above the default-capacity units/points it already has, so that default-capacity breach is possible in case of incoming high-priority interruption cases. 

    • For eg.- An agent was assigned 4 cases from a given ‘XYZ’ channel that consumed the entirety of his/her 100 default-capacity units/points. Now another case comes in, from a channel that has been given the right to interrupt cases from ‘XYZ’ channel and consumes 50 capacity units/points of capacity of an agent per case; then for that case to be assigned to the agent, the capacity profile linked with him/her must have 50 or more capacity units/points inside “Allowed Capacity Overflow”.​

    After filling up these fields, the user needs to configure Capacity Groups according to the channels for which they intend to set their capacity profile.

    3. To add the capacity configuration of a channel, Click on Add Capacity Group button.




    Select Channel from the dropdown list. Any case associated with this channel will follow the capacity settings as defined in this group.

    Note : Each capacity group can have only one channel and the settings defined in the capacity group will only be applied to the cases associated with that channel

    Capacity Consumed

    Capacity units/points that a case will consume out of the total available capacity points of an Agent.

    Example - If Agent has 80 total available capacity units, and we define Capacity Consumed = 30 for channel "ABC", then a Case from ABC channel will consume 30 units of the agent, leaving the agent with 50 units for any upcoming cases. These 30 units will be returned back to the agent once the case is unassigned from him/her.

    Can be Interrupted By

    Here we define the channel(s) which can override the Cases of current channel, i.e., cases from these channels can consume points from the extra overflow capacity points allotted in the capacity profile. This will only occur when the total default capacity points of an agent are already consumed.

    Maximum Allowed Capacity

    Maximum Capacity points of the agent that can be consumed by the cases associated with the defined channel.

    For ex - If Capacity Consumed = 25, Maximum Allowed Capacity = 50, then at maximum 2 cases can be assigned to the agent from that channel. (If total available capacity units of agent >= 50)

    Ignore this group for daily assignment capacity

    On enablng this checkbox, the daily assignment capacity limit will not be applicable for cases from this channel. So, any number of cases from the channel can be asisgned to the agent in a day.

    Dynamic Capacity Configuration

  • On selecting “Add dynamic capacity” for a Capacity Group, we can alter the capacity units/points consumed by a case from a particular channel after being inactive for a given amount of time.

    For eg:- A case from ‘XYZ’ channel was configured to consume 25 capacity units of an agent inside the Capacity Group. Now if we want that after 30 minutes of the case being idle we should drop the capacity that is being consumed by the case for the agent to 10 capacity units/points; That could be easily achieved by enabling “Add dynamic capacity” then setting ‘Time taken to consider a case as idle’ to 30 minutes and ‘Capacity consumed for an inactive case’ as 10 (in capacity units/points).

    After defining the Capacity Configuration, click on Save to save the changes.

    Refer to this article on how to utilize Dynamic Capacity.

    Actions on Capacity Configuration

    Once created, hover over the options icon to Edit Capacity Configuration or View Audit Trail.

    The audit log comprehensively records any changes made to the configuration. This includes modifications to parameters such as Allowed Capacity Overflow, Capacity Consumed per Case, Capacity Configuration Name, Channel, and more.

    The Activity tab offers an overview of these alterations, presenting the users responsible for the changes along with timestamps. Additionally, you can conveniently sort and export the log based on your specific requirements.