What are Skills in assignment engine ?


For a brand, it is important that every customer query should be resolved in the least possible time and with maximum customer satisfaction. Skill based routing solves the latter by matching the skills tagged with a case to the skills that are assigned to the agents in the queue. Depending on other factors like agent availability and agent capacity, the best skill-agent match is considered for case assignment.

Examples of Skills can be -

Language as a Skill - Agents with proficiency in Hindi language can be assigned "Hindi" as a skill. The case, which is tagged with "Hindi" skill, will be routed to these agents.

Department as a Skill - Agents who have expertise in dealing with complaint related cases can be assigned "Complaint" as a skill.

Skill Categories

Skill categories help in managing skills by categorising them. There can be multiple skills under one skill category. For example, suppose a brand XYZ recieves many complaint related emails of customers for a newly launched Laptop series. There are issues reported about malfunctioning of both software and hardware of the laptop. It is highly possible that an agent who is well versed with the Software may not have much knowledge about the Hardware. So in this case, a skill category named "Complaints" can be created with two skills - "Software Complaints" and "Hardware Complaints". This helps user to search skills related to similar aspect and then assign them to the agents.

In this section we will discuss how to create skills in assignment engine and how to assign them to agents.

To add skills in Assignment Engine

  • Under the Sprinklr Service tab, click Assignment Engine within Route.

  • On the Assignment Engine window, select Skill Based Routing from the dropdown in the top left corner.

  • On the Skill Based Routing window, select Skill Categories from the top section bar and click Add Skill Category in the top right corner.

  • On the Add Skill Category popup window, add a Name and optional Description for the new skill category and click Save.


Once you have created a skill category, it cannot be deleted. However, you can edit it.

  • Next, on the Skill Based Routing window, click Add Skill alongside the added skill category. On the New Skill popup window, add a Name and optional Description for the new skill and click Save.

  • To view added skills with a skill category, hover over the Options icon alongside the desired category and select View Skills.

  • On the Skill Category window, you will be able to view all the skills added for that specific category. You can also add new skills by clicking on Add Skill on the top right corner.

To assign skills to Agent/Agent Group

  • Under Skill Based Routing section, navigate to Agents page from the dropdown. Here you can see the list of all the agents who are added in the workspace and their respective skills.

  • To assign skills to an agent, click on Edit Skills button. This will open the list of skills assigned to agent and the proficiency of the agent in that skill.

  • In the Skill dropdown, search for the skill you want to assign and set the proficeincy score.