Setting Up Facebook Ad Accounts and Pages


Set up your Facebook ad account and page in Sprinklr and manage all your social media activities within a single space.

While adding any account into Sprinklr, the user who adds the account (Account Owner) authenticates the access based upon their native permissions. Users who access this account via Sprinklr do not need to have native permissions, as their Sprinklr activity is run through the API via the native permissions of the Account Owner. Before adding ad accounts and pages to which you want to advertise through Sprinklr, the Account Owner must have the appropriate native permissions.

This article will guide you on how to set up your Facebook Ad Account and Pages in Sprinklr with the appropriate authentication on the native platform. Follow the steps below to add your Facebook Ad Account and Pages –

  1. Verify Permissions on Facebook

  2. Add a Facebook Ad Account

  3. Add a Facebook Page

Value proposition




System Administrator

  • Difficulty in setting up a Facebook account in Sprinklr with appropriate authentication on the native platform.

  • Users run into permissions errors as the account added into Sprinklr was not authenticated correctly

  • Users who access this account via Sprinklr do not need to have native permissions, as their Sprinklr activity is run through the API via the native permissions of the Account Owner

How it works

Enablement note:

It is recommended that the Sprinklr user adding the Facebook Ad Account and/or Page into Sprinklr has both Ad Account Admin Access and Page Admin Access.


To avoid any permission issues while adding ad accounts and pages, see Avoid Permissions Issues with Facebook Ad Accounts and Pages.

Verify permissions on Facebook

From Business Manager

  1. Navigate to Facebook Business Manager to verify whether you are an Ad Account Admin and Page Admin.

  2. In the top-left corner of the Business Manager window, click the Dashboard Menu icon and select Business Settings under the Settings section.

  3. Navigate to People in the left-hand pane under Users. By default, this will be opened for you.

  4. In the People menu, click on a user whose permissions you would like to verify.

  5. Next to the selected user, you will find the Ad Accounts and Pages he/she is permissioned to.

  6. In the Pages and Ad accounts sections, click on the ad accounts and/or pages you want to add into Sprinklr and confirm that the user’s role is Ad Account Admin and Page Admin, respectively. You will find Admin Access enabled within the respective ad accounts and pages.

From Ads Manager

  1. Navigate to Facebook Ads Manager to verify whether you are an Ad Account Admin.

  2. Click the Settings icon in the top-right corner of the Ads Manager window.

  3. In the Ad account roles pane to the right, you can confirm whether the user is an Ad account admin or not.


    If the required user's Ad account role is not marked as Ad account admin, then one of the existing Ad account admins will need to upgrade his/her access to Ad account admin.

  4. Click Pages from the left-hand pane to verify whether you are a Page Admin

  5. Note:

    If the required user is not currently listed as Admin, then one of the existing Page Owners will need to upgrade his/her access to Admin.