How to Associate Google Analytics 4 Web Analytics Profiles with Domains


Once the Google Analytics web analytics profile has been created, you need to assign it to a Domain or Account. For more information, see the following:

After you have assigned the profile, publish an ad through the platform and check the ad to make sure that all of the parameters and variables are properly appended. The UTM code should be appended to the Web URL as long as the ad was made with a Web URL.

How it works

1. The Web Profile Builder creates a profile that automatically appends tracking codes to web URLs of outbound posts with that domain once assigned to a domain.

  • This simplifies the process of creating appendments for outbound posts. Instead of requiring all users to use the correct tagging taxonomy consistently - or requiring a separate tagging action at all - the Web Profile automates the entire process.

2. Sprinklr fetches the data that Google Analytics has tracked.

  • This allows you to compare web performance and social engagement in the same dashboards and widgets.

  • With this additional data, you can map web traffic directly to outbound posts with one seamless attribution model, allowing you to measure the effectiveness of social marketing campaigns by seeing which outbound posts drove the most traffic to your website.