About the Google Campaign Manager (DCM) Ads Integration


Seamlessly create, assign, and track URL tags for ad placements, track conversions and gain better insights into the performance of your campaigns.

Sprinklr’s Google Campaign Manager integration allows you to seamlessly create, assign, and track URL tags for ad placements within Sprinklr Marketing (Ads). The ability to track conversions by placement and ad level provides marketers with the analytics and insights needed to optimize campaigns efficiently.

About Google Campaign Manager

Google Campaign Manager (DCM) is an ad management system that allows brands to manage digital campaigns across the Web and Mobile with features including ad serving, targeting, tracking, and reporting.

Advertisers can configure DoubleClick parameters all at once in one easy process, eliminating the tedious task of creating one placement per ad variant. With Sprinklr’s DoubleClick integration, advertisers no longer have to choose between accurate and accessible data, with all of their important campaign metrics available in a single, integrated platform.

Google Campaign Manager Hierarchy



DoubleClick Campaign

Campaign groups together a set of Ads and Placements for a single advertiser. It contains a start and an end date, a landing page, and a few other global settings.

DoubleClick Placement

A Placement represents a fixed block of ad space on a site where an ad can serve. It also defines the physical dimensions, pricing information, and other key properties. You can link one or more ads to each placement.

DoubleClick Ad

An Ad is most often used to link a creative to a placement. It contains basic properties such as the size of the containing placement, whether or not the ad is active, and start and end dates for the ad.

DoubleClick Creative

A Creative is a wrapper around one or more files representing an advertisement. These are graphical, containing images or videos, but a few are more complex types such as HTML code for pop-up or text-only.

Google Campaign Manager Value Proposition





Tracking Click and View tags are a time-consuming process

  • Automate the time-consuming and error-prone process of creating tracking Click and View tags.

  • Identify your most effective content based on conversions in order to optimize your campaigns.


Unable to streamline workflow between teams

  • Streamline workflow for social and trafficking teams, through automatic creation of Click and View tags.

  • Create reports that show the ROI and optimize social ads from click to website conversions and activities.


Unable to understand the impact of digital efforts and enhance productivity

  • Increase operational efficiency to ensure the productivity of teams at scale.

  • Understand the impact of digital efforts on online sales and website conversions.

  • Use this data to inform social media strategists for more impactful results.

Required permissions to add DCM

In order to use Google Campaign Manager, you need to have the following permissions on native.

  • Advertiser Management

  • Account Management

  • Floodlights

  • Path to Floodlight Conversion

  • Sub Accounts

  • User Profiles

  • User Roles

Enablement Note: In case Cost and Revenue metrics permissions are not permitted by User organisation please ask your Success Manager to reach out to support and product team to allow Integration progress without these changes

  • Campaigns

  • Creatives

  • Placements

  • Ads

  • Sites

  • Tags

  • Reporting

Enablement Note: In case Cost and Revenue metrics permissions are not permitted by User organisation please ask your Success Manager to reach out to support and product team to allow Integration progress without these changes


Read and Write permissions will provide access to both Trafficking and Reporting.

Enablement note:

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Install Google Campaign Manager in Sprinklr

1. Click the New Tab icon. Under Governance Console, click Manage Marketplace within Integrations.

2. On the MarketPlace window, scroll down to the Analytics section and click Install for DCM/DFA.Installing DCM/DFA in Market Place

3. On the Install DCM/DFA pop-up window, enter a Name and an optional Description. Click Save in the bottom right corner.


Check the box alongside Pull Campaign Manager Reporting Matching Social Ads Only to fetch data that is being used and mapped to a social ad.

4. On the Market Place/<Name of DCM/DFA> window, click DCM/DFA User. You need to add an application user to configure the application further.Clicking on DCM/DFA User to Add an Application User to Configure the Application Further under Integrations Marketplace

5. Select an Account and click Save in the top right corner.

Video Reference