How to Combine Google Campaign Manager (DCM) & Channel Data via Ads Custom Metrics


Advertisers can create Google Campaign Manager and Facebook Custom Metrics in Ads Reporting. Advertisers and Agencies can combine these standard channel metrics and DoubleClick metrics in Ads Reporting to make Custom Metrics that will help users track DoubleClick Fees, calculate Cost Per DoubleClick Metrics, etc.

For Example: [(DCM Impressions x 0.01) + Spent] / 0.85. This will allow clients to report on DoubleClick fees. i.e., DCM fee + media spend, all with 15% margin

To Create Google Campaign Manager and Facebook Custom Metrics

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Ads Reporting within Analyze.
  2. On the Ads Reporting Home, click the Options icon Hyperspace_Horizontal_Options.png in the top-right corner and select Custom Metrics.
    Select Custom Metrics from Ads Reporting Home
    If you are on a Reporting Dashboard, click the Options icon Hyperspace_Horizontal_Options.png in the top-right corner and scroll down to Settings. Hover over Settings and select Custom Metrics.
    Select Custom Metrics from Ads Reporting Dashboard Settings
  3. On the Custom Metrics window, click Create Custom Metric in the top right corner.
  4. On the Add Custom Metrics pop-up window, fill in the details and add Google Campaign Manager and Facebook Custom Metrics as desired. Click Create in the bottom right corner. To learn more about how to add a custom metric, see Create a Custom Metric in Reporting.
    On the Add Custom Metrics window, filling in the details and adding DoubleClick and Facebook Custom Metrics.