How to use Google Campaign Manager (DCM) in Ads Publishing & Reporting


Sprinklr’s Google Campaign Manager integration allows you to seamlessly create, assign, and track URL tags for ad placements within Sprinklr Marketing (Ads). The ability to track conversions by placement and ad level provides marketers with the analytics and insights needed to optimize campaigns efficiently.

Channels supported

  • Ad Objectives: Reach, Traffic, Catalog Sales, App Installs, Post Engagement, Store Visits, Conversions, Brand Awareness, Lead Generation, Video Views, Messages, and Page Likes

  • Ad Post Types: All

  • Configure DCM at the:

    • Campaign level in Ads Composer

    • Ad Variant level in Ads Manager

  • Ad Objectives: Twitter Engagements, Twitter Reach, Twitter Video Views, Twitter App Installs, Twitter Website Visits, Twitter Followers, Twitter Pre-roll Views, Twitter App Engagements.

  • Ad Formats: Image Tweet, Video Tweet, Status Tweet, and Tweet with Card

  • Configure DCM at the Ad Set level in Ads Composer.


  • You can only create DCM Click Tags in Sprinklr for the Post Types. To view the tags in Ads Manager, please work with your Success Manager.

  • DoubleClick Tracking Tags for Twitter App Installs, App Engagements, and Website Visits can be assigned for Ad Sets only if the Ad Account is natively whitelisted.

  • Editing of the published post is not allowed for Twitter which limits the reconfiguration and removal of tags from the published posts.

  • DCM is not supported for Twitter Cards due to API limitations.

  • Ad Objectives: Brand Awareness, Website Visits, Engagement, Lead Generation, Website Conversions, Job applicants, Video Views.

  • Ad Formats: Single Image Ad, Carousel Image Ad, Video Ads, and Text Ads.

  • Configure DCM at the:

    • Campaign level in Ads Composer

    • Ad Variant level in Ads Manager

  • Ad Objectives: Awareness, Drive Traffic to App, App Install, Drive Traffic to Website, Video View, Lead Gen, Engagement, Website Conversions.

  • Ad Formats: Snap Ads, Story Ads, and Collection Ads.

  • Attachments: Website and Deeplink.

  • Configure DCM at the:

    • Campaign level in Ads Composer

    • Ad Variant level in Ads Manager

  • You cannot remove or reconfigure the DCM configuration for Story and Collection Ads.

  • Ad Objectives: Traffic, Brand Awareness, Video Views, Conversions, and Catalog Sales.

  • Ad Post Types: All

  • Configure DCM at the:

    • Campaign level in Ads Composer

    • Ad Variant level in Ads Manager

  • Ad Objectives: Reach, Traffic, Video Views, Lead Generation, Community Interactions, App Promotions, Conversions, and Catalog Sales.

  • Ad Formats: Single Video, Authorized Posts, Collection Ads.

  • Configure DCM at the:

    • Campaign level in Ads Composer

    • Ad Variant level in Ads Manager

Apply Google Campaign Manager Tracking

1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Ads Composer within Execute.

2. On the Ads Composer window, fill in the details. For more information, see About the Ads Composer.

3. Within the Advanced Configuration section, click Configure DCM under Third Party Tracking to configure your Campaign Manager. You can also remove the configured Campaign Manager by clicking Remove DCM Configuration.


You can also reconfigure Campaign Manager on the creatives that have already been configured with Campaign Manager. Note that a new Post Id will be generated once the Google Campaign Manager is configured on the existing creative.

Doing Advanced Configuration in Ads Composer

4. On the DCM Configuration window, fill in the details and click Save. Once configured, you can go back and click Configure DCM again to review and edit the configuration if needed.


  • You can decide whether you want to create a unique creative for each entity or utilize existing or same creative for all the DCM Ads.

  • If you do not have a unique 1-1 mapping between Campaign Manager Click Tags, ViewTags, and Social Ad Variants, you will not be able to use the Social and Campaign Manager metrics within the same Reporting widget, i.e, you will not be able to see how a specific Ad Variant produced X number of DCM Clicks.

Configuring DCM by Providing the Required Information within the Ads Composer

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click AdsManager within Analyze.

  2. On the Ads Manager window, click the View and Edit icon alongside the campaign you have created.

  3. In the Edit pane to the right, navigate to an Ad from the left campaign hierarchy, scroll down to the Tracking section and click Configure.

  4. On the DCM Configuration window, fill in the details and click Save. Once configured, you can go back and click Configure DCM again to review and edit the configuration if needed.


    • You can choosee between creating a unique creative for each entity or utilizing an existing or same creative for all the DCM Ads.

    • Configuring Campaign Manager Tags will create a new Post ID for an existing creative.

    • You can also configure DCM in a single flow on a new ad using New DCM Entities or through existing ones without saving the changes through Review changes.

  5. On the Edit window, scroll down to the Website URL field within the Creative Details section. Click Preview URL to view Campaign Manager tag details.Viewing Website URL

  6. If you have enabled the View Tag while configuring the Campaign Manager, you can view it within the Tracking section of the Editing pane.


    Campaign Manager metrics can be used within Ads Manager Customized Columns. Please remember that if the user has not had a unique 1-1 mapping between Click Tag and Ad Variant, data integrity can not be guaranteed.

You can configure Campaign Manager through Ads Import. To create new ads you must have your DCM Advertiser, Profile, and SiteID. You must also set DCM Enabled to 'True'.

Input the acceptable values/formats below to add Google Campaign Manager tracking to your Paid Initiatives:

Column Header


Application User ID


DCM Ad Destination URL

Not Mandatory



DCM Ad Name

It is auto-generated depending on the mapping level you've set.

DCM Advertiser ID


DCM Campaign Start Date

It is not mandatory if you do have an existing DCM Campaign ID.

DCM Campaign End Date

It is not mandatory if you do have an existing DCM Campaign ID.

DCM Campaign ID

It is not mandatory if you do have an existing DCM Campaign ID.

DCM Campaign Name

It is not mandatory if you do have an existing DCM Campaign ID.

DCM Enabled


DCM Landing Page Name

It is mandatory only if you are configuring a new DCM Campaign.

DCM Landing Page URL

It is mandatory only if you are configuring a new DCM Campaign.

DCM Payment Source


DCM Placement Compatibility


DCM Placement Start Time


DCM Placement End Time


DCM Placement Height


DCM Placement ID


DCM Placement Name

Semi Mandatory (It is freeform.)

DCM Placement Width


DCM Pricing Type


DCM Profile ID


DCM Set View Tags



Mandatory (You can either select DCM Site ID or DCM Site Name and DCM Site URL)

DCM Site Name




DCM Tracking Entity Level


Tracking Type


Additional Tips

  • Application User ID, DCM Profile ID, DCM Advertiser ID, and DCM Campaign ID can be obtained by exporting a current campaign that is using Campaign Manager.

  • DCM Tracking Entity Level dictates on what level the Placement ID will be generated, either on the AD_VARIANT, AD_SET, or PAID_INITIATIVE level.

  • Leave DCM Campaign Name, DCM Landing Page Name, DCM Landing Page URL, DCM Campaign Start Time, and DCM Campaign End Time blank if you are adding an Ad to a previously used DCM Campaign. DCM Campaign ID must be used.

  • Leave DCM Campaign ID blank if you need to create a new DCM Campaign. Input DCM Campaign Name, DCM Landing Page Name, DCM Landing Page URL, DCM Campaign Start Time, and DCM Campaign End Time to create a new DCM Campaign.

  • DCM Placement Name and DCM Campaign Name fields are freeform.

  • DCM Placement ID and DCM Ad ID should be left blank as they are system generated.



Select Configuration

Create New

Select to create a new Campaign Manager configuration.

When configuring Campaign Manager through Sprinklr and using Create New, every Ad Variant will have its own unique Click and View Tag. Due to this, Sprinklr is able to associate the Campaign Manager metrics to a specific Ad Variant as we know that each click tag is unique.

Select Existing

Select to choose an existing Campaign Manager configuration.

DCM Profile Information

Select User

Select the user for the Campaign Manager Configuration.

Select Advertiser

Select the desired advertiser from the drop-down.

DCM Naming Convention

Select the Campaign Manager naming convention.

  • You can dynamically populate Campaign Manager Campaign, Placement, Ad, and Creative names. These can be populated through User Inputs and Sprinklr Custom Fields.

  • Note that when configuring through Sprinklr, the Creative name will always be SPRINKLR_CREATIVE if not using a naming convention.

  • When you are not using a Naming Convention, see the Targeting Level of how names will populate if not adjusted within the Campaign Manager configuration window.

  • Campaign Manager Placement Names can be edited within the Campaign Manager configuration window, while Campaign Manager Ad Names cannot.

Campaign Information

Select Campaign

Select from the existing campaign you want to apply Campaign Manager tags to.

Create New Campaign

Select to create a new campaign to apply Campaign Manager tags to.

Placement Information

Start Date

Select the start date for the placement.

End Date

Select the end date for the placement.


Once the Google Campaign Manager is created, you cannot edit the campaign dates. Hence, it is recommended that the campaign End Date be extended far into the future.

Placement Dimensions

Placement Height

Enter the height for the placement.

Placement Width

Enter the width for the placement.

Placement Compatibility

Select the placement compatibility from the drop-down menu.

Placement Payment Source

Select the placement payment source from the drop-down menu.

Placement Pricing Type

Select the placement pricing type from the drop-down menu.

External ID

Enter the external ID for the placement.

An external ID is any ID that you might use outside Google Campaign Manager to identify items in internal reports.

Targeting Information - DoubleClick Placement Mapping Level

Paid Initiative

One DoubleClick Placement will be created, and every Ad Variant under the Campaign will be created as DoubleClick Ads under the DoubleClick Placement.

For example, if a campaign has 2 Ad Sets with 2 Ads under each Ad Set (4 Ad Variants Total), then selecting Paid Initiative as the Targeting Level will create 1 DoubleClick Placement with 4 DoubleClick Ads under it.

Campaign Level DCM Placement

Ad Set

One DoubleClick Placement will be created for every Ad Set, and every Ad Variant under each specific Ad Set will be a DoubleClick Ad under the respective DoubleClick Placement.

For example, if a campaign has 2 Ad Sets with 2 Ads under each Ad Set (4 Ad Variants Total), then selecting Ad Set as the Targeting Level will create 2 DoubleClick Placements with 4 DoubleClick Ads under each.

Ad Set Level DCM Placement

Ad Variant

One DoubleClick Placement will be created for every Ad Variant, and every Ad Variant under each specific Ad Set will be a Campaign Manager Ad under the respective Campaign Manager Placement.

For example, if a campaign has 4 Ad Variants, then selecting Ad Variant as the Targeting Level will create 4 DoubleClick Placements with 1 DoubleClick Ad under each.

Ad Variant Level Placement

Manually Apply Click & View Tracker URLs

In case you have not configured a DoubleClick in Sprinklr but have the Click and View tracker URLs, you can add them directly from your ad creation workflow in Ads Composer or Ads Manager without a DoubleClick configuration.

  • Ad Objectives - Reach, Traffic, Catalog Sales, App Installs, Post Engagement, Store Visits, Conversions, Brand Awareness, Lead Generation, Video Views, Messages, and Page Likes.

  • Ad Post Type - All

  • Recommended Inputs:




Field Name

Ads Composer


Creative Details

Click Tags → Website URL

Ads Composer

Ad Variant

Advanced Configuration

Impression Tags → View Tag URLs

Ads Manager

Ad Variant

Creative Details

Click Tags → Website URL

Ads Manager

Ad Variant


Impressions Tags → View Tag URLs

  • Ad Objectives - Twitter Engagements, Twitter Reach, Twitter Video Views, Twitter App Installs, Twitter Website Visits, Twitter Followers, Twitter Pre-roll Views, Twitter App Engagements.

  • Ad Format - Image Tweet, Video Tweet, Status Tweet, and Tweet with Cards.

  • Recommended Inputs:


Applying DCM Click Tags is not supported through API for Twitter Website Cards.




Field Name

Ads Composer

Ad Set

Advanced Configuration

Impression Tags → DoubleClick tracking tag

Ads Composer


Creative Details

Click Tags → Text/Website URL

  • Ad Objectives - Brand Awareness, Website Visits, Engagement, Lead Generation, Website Conversions, Job applicants, Video Views.

  • Ad Post Type - Single Image Ad, Carousel Image Ad, Video Ads, and Text Ads.

  • Recommended Inputs:




Field Name

Ads Composer

Ad Variant

Advanced Configuration

  • Impression Tags → Impression Tag Url

  • Click Tags → Click Tag Url

Ads Manager

Ad Variant


  • Impression Tags → Impression Tag Url

  • Click Tags → Click Tag Url

  • Ad Objectives - Awareness, Drive Traffic to App, App Install, Drive Traffic to Website, Video View, Lead Gen, Engagement, Website Conversions.

  • Ad Format Type - Snap Ads, Story Ads, and Collection Ads.

  • Attachments - Website and Deeplink.

  • Recommended Inputs:


  • If you are using the DoubleClick Click Tags for redirecting to some website, then the Click Tags are being added into Website URLs. If the Click Tags are being used for parallel click tracking, then the tags are added to the Swipe Tag URL field.

  • Impressions Tags are always added into the Impression Tag URLs field under Ad Variant.




Field Name

Ads Composer

(If the Click Tag URLs are Redirecting URLs)


Creative Details

Click Tags (Redirecting URLs) → Website URL/ Deep Link URLs

Ads Composer

(If the URLs are being used for Parallel Click Tracking)

Ad Variant

Advanced Configuration

  • Click Tags (Parallel Tracking) → Swipe Up Tags

  • Impression Tag → Impression Tag URLs

Ads Manager

(If the Click Tag URLs are Redirecting URLs)

Ad Variant


Click Tags (Redirecting URLs) → Website URLs/Deep Link URLs

Ads Manager

(If the URLs are being used for Parallel Click Tracking)

Ad Variant


  • Click Tags (Parallel Tracking) → Swipe Up Tags

  • Impression Tag → Impression Tag URLs

  • Ad Objectives - Traffic, Brand Awareness, Video Views, Conversions, and Catalog Sales.

  • Ad Post Type - All

  • Recommended Inputs:


If the Click Tags are redirecting to any website, then they are being added to the Destination URLs field and If the Click Tags are not redirecting to any landing page (parallel click counting), then they are being added into the Click Tag field under Ad Variants.




Field Name

Ads Composer

Ad Variant

Advanced Configuration

  • Impression Tag → Impression Tag URLs

  • Click Tags (Redirecting URLs) → Destination URL

  • Click Tags (Parallel Tracking) → Click Tag URLs

Ads Manager

Ad Variant


  • Impression Tag → Impression Tag URLs

  • Click Tags (Redirecting URLs) → Destination URL

  • Click Tags (Parallel Tracking) → Click Tag URLs

  • Ad Objectives - Reach, Traffic, Video Views, Lead Generation, Community Interactions, App Promotions, Conversions, and Catalog Sales.

  • Ad Formats: Single Video, Authorized Posts, Collection Ads.

  • Recommended Inputs:




Field Name

Ads Composer

Ad Variant

Advanced Configuration

  • Impression Tags→ Impression Tracking URL

  • Click Tags → Click Tracking URL

Ads Manager

Ad Variant


  • Impression Tags → View Tag URLs

  • Click Tags → Click Tag URLs

Edit/reconfigure Google Campaign Manager

Once the Google Campaign Manager tags have been configured on an ad, you have the ability to manage multiple aspects of the tag and its properties.


DCM Placement and Ad Names can only be updated for a single Ad Variant in Ads Manager. When trying to edit multiple Placements and Ad Names, use Ads Import.

1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Ads Manager within Analyze.

2. Click the View and Edit icon alongside the desired Ad Variant. Make sure that the Campaign Manager has already been applied to the ad variant you have selected.

3. On the Editing Pane to the right, select Ads and navigate to the Tracking section. Here, you can:

  • View/Edit - You can view general Tag information and edit Placement Name, Ad Names as well as Destination URLs.


On the View/Edit pop-up window, you can view the various sections and also edit the following:

  • Placement Name - You can view and edit the name of your placement.

  • Ad Name - You can view and edit the Ad Name.

  • Destination URL - You can view and edit your destination URL. If you have entered a wrong destination URL while creating your tag, you can change it without disturbing the consistency of your tags.

  • Start and End Dates - You can view and edit the start and end dates for Campaign/Placement/Ad even when the Ad entity has been created and the DCM tags have been configured.

  • Reconfigure - You can reconfigure DCM that has already been applied to your ad. You can also create new Click and View tags. Keep in mind that this will also create New Post and Post/Story ID.

  • Remove DCM Configuration - You can remove Google Campaign Manager configurations for specific ad variants if the configuration was initially done incorrectly or you do not want to use this third-party tracking.


By removing the Campaign Manager configuration, a new Story/Post ID will be created for each creative.

Managing DCM on Ads

Use Campaign Manager Metrics for optimization

We allow you to use DoubleClick in our existing AI features such as Smart Budget Allocation and Strategy Groups. This enables you to map your campaigns more effectively.

1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Ads Manager within Analyze.

2. Select the desired Campaign(s) or Ad Set(s) you want to apply Smart Budget Allocation to.

From the bottom Edit panel, click the Options icon and select Smart Budget Allocation.

3. On the Smart Budget Allocation window, select Create a New Smart Budget or Add to Existing Smart Budget.

  • Create a New Smart Budget option will result in the creation of a new smart budget allocation which will be applied to existing entities.

  • Add to Existing Smart Budget option allows the user to add the selected entities to the existing smart budget allocation configuration. The selected entities will now get optimized with the entities that are already a part of the selected configuration.

4. Provide the Name of Smart Budget and select your Optimization Goal from the grouped view of metrics.

You can select metrics from third-party reporting tools like Google Analytics, Google Campaign Manager (DCM), MOAT, Adobe, etc. without any additional setup.Optimizing DCM at Smart Budget Allocation

5. Fill in the further details as desired. For information on how to set up Smart Budget Allocation, see Apply Smart Budget Allocation in Ads Manager.

1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Ads Manager within Analyze.

2. On the Ads Manager window, click Strategy Group from the top left corner of the section bar.

3. Click Create Strategy Group in the top right corner of the Strategy Group window.

4. On the New Strategy Group pane to the right, provide the Basic Details for your Strategy Group such as Name, Channel, Time Zone, etc. To know more about Strategy Groups, see Create Strategy Groups.

5. From the Optimization Metric drop-down, select the desired DCM metric to map your desired campaign.Optimizing DoubleClick

Use Campaign Manager for Reporting

Google Campaign Manager Data Pull Frequency

The data is pulled into Sprinklr from Google Campaign Manager in the duration of every 1 hour. This allows you to make semi-real-time optimization decisions via Ads Manager and Rule Engine.

To streamline campaign optimizations, you can add Google Campaign Manager metrics within Customized Columns in Ads Manager.

1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Ads Manager within Analyze.

2. In the top-right corner of the Ads Manager window, click the Column Configuration icon.

3. On the Manage Columns pop-up window, click Manage Columns to open the Column Template window and select desired metrics and dimensions.Modify or Build a new column configuration in Ads Manager

4. On the Column Template window, search and select your DCM Measurements. Click Modify Columns in the bottom right corner. You will be redirected to the Ads Manager window and view the selected measurement column.

You can add Google Campaign Manager metrics with Ads Reporting widgets.

1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click AdsReporting within Analyze.

2. From the Ads Reporting Home, select a custom dashboard where you want to view the reporting insights.

3. In the top right corner of the custom Ads Reporting Dashboard window, click Add Widget. For more information, see Create a Reporting Dashboard Widget.

4. Provide a Name and select the desired Visualization Type for your widget.

5. Under the Select Metrics and Dimensions section, select your desired GoogleCampaignManager metrics. Click Done in the bottom right corner.

6. Click Add to Dashboard in the bottom right corner to add your widget to the dashboard. You will be navigated to the newly created widget with the Google Campaign Manager data insights.Azalyzing Google Campaign Manager Metrics within Ads Reporting

Other Scenarios

  • For Ads not configured within Sprinklr, you can use Ads Reporting to report on such tags.

  • We isolate the Campaign Manager tag and match it to the tag within Google Campaign Manager, and add those specific metrics to Ads Reporting.

  • Note that if the same Click Tags/View Tags are used across multiple Ad Variants, data integrity cannot be upheld.

  • You can report on Google Campaign Manager metrics for tags on Twitter Website Cards only if the tags on each Twitter Website Cards are unique for every Ad Variant in the campaign.

  • If the tag is not unique and used within multiple Promoted Tweets or Website Cards, reporting on such tags will be skipped and no data will be attributed to that ad.


Reporting on Twitter Website Cards tags are only supported for Unique Click tags.

With Social Metrics —

  • Business Case: You can combine Google Campaign Manager metrics with standard channel metrics in Ads Reporting to make Custom Metrics that will help you track fees, etc.

  • Custom Metric Example: [(DCM Impressions x 0.01) + Spent] / 0.85. This will allow you to report on Google Campaign Manager fees. ie: DCM fee + media spend, all with 15% margin.

Google Campaign Manager Metrics and Dimensions

DCM Metrics and Dimensions in Sprinklr —

  • DCM Active View Eligible Impressions

  • DCM Active View Impression Distribution Not Measurable

  • DCM Active View Impression Distribution Not Viewable

  • DCM Active View Impression Distribution Viewable

  • DCM Active View Measurable Impressions

  • DCM Active View Not Measurable Impressions

  • DCM Active View Not Viewable Impressions

  • DCM Active View Percentage Measurable Impressions

  • DCM Active View Percentage Viewable Impressions

  • DCM Active View Viewable Impressions

  • DCM Activity Click Through Conversions

  • DCM Activity Click Through Revenue

  • DCM Activity Click Through Transaction Count

  • DCM Activity Delivery Status

  • DCM Activity Per Click

  • DCM Activity Per Thousand Impressions

  • DCM Activity Total Conversions

  • DCM Activity Total Revenue

  • DCM Activity Total Transaction Count

  • DCM Activity View Through Conversions

  • DCM Activity View Through Revenue

  • DCM Activity View Through Transaction Count

  • DCM Ad

  • DCM Ad Destination URL

  • DCM Ad ID

  • DCM Advertiser

  • DCM Advertiser ID

  • DCM Booked Activities

  • DCM Booked Clicks

  • DCM Booked Impressions

  • DCM Campaign

  • DCM Campaign ID

  • DCM Click Delivery Status

  • DCM Click Rate

  • DCM Clicks

  • DCM Cost Per Activity

  • DCM Cost Per Click

  • DCM Cost Per Revenue

  • DCM Creative ID

  • DCM Dbm Cost

  • DCM Dbm Cost Usd

  • DCM Effective Cpm

  • DCM Impression Delivery Status

  • DCM Impressions

  • DCM Media Cost

  • DCM Paid Search Action Conversion Percentage

  • DCM Paid Search Actions

  • DCM Paid Search Average Cost Per Action

  • DCM Paid Search Average Dfa Transaction Amount

  • DCM Paid Search Average Position

  • DCM Paid Search Click Rate

  • DCM Paid Search Clicks

  • DCM Paid Search Cost

  • DCM Paid Search Impressions

  • DCM Paid Search Revenue

  • DCM Paid Search Spend Per Transaction Revenue

  • DCM Paid Search Transaction Conversion Percentage

  • DCM Paid Search Transaction Revenue Per Spend

  • DCM Paid Search Transactions

  • DCM Paid Search Visits

  • DCM Paid Serach Average Cost Per Transaction

  • DCM Placement

  • DCM Placement ID

  • DCM Planned Media Cost

  • DCM Revenue Per Click

  • DCM Revenue Per Thousand Impressions

  • DCM Rich Media Average Display Time

  • DCM Rich Media Average Expansion Time

  • DCM Rich Media Average Full Screen View Time

  • DCM Rich Media Average Interaction Time

  • DCM Rich Media Average Video View Time

  • DCM Rich Media Backup Images

  • DCM Rich Media Click Rate

  • DCM Rich Media Clicks

  • DCM Rich Media Code Serves

  • DCM Rich Media Custom Average Time

  • DCM Rich Media Custom Counters

  • DCM Rich Media Custom Exits

  • DCM Rich Media Custom Timers

  • DCM Rich Media Display Time

  • DCM Rich Media Expansion Time

  • DCM Rich Media Expansions

  • DCM Rich Media Full Screen Impressions

  • DCM Rich Media Full Screen Video Completes

  • DCM Rich Media Html5Impressions

  • DCM Rich Media Impressions

  • DCM Rich Media Interaction Rate

  • DCM Rich Media Interaction Time

  • DCM Rich Media Interactions

  • DCM Rich Media Interactive Impressions

  • DCM Rich Media Manual Closes

  • DCM Rich Media Video Companion Clicks

  • DCM Rich Media Video Completions

  • DCM Rich Media Video First Quartile Completes

  • DCM Rich Media Video Full Screens

  • DCM Rich Media Video Interaction Rate

  • DCM Rich Media Video Interactions

  • DCM Rich Media Video Midpoints

  • DCM Rich Media Video Mutes

  • DCM Rich Media Video Pauses

  • DCM Rich Media Video Plays

  • DCM Rich Media Video Replays

  • DCM Rich Media Video Skips

  • DCM Rich Media Video Stops

  • DCM Rich Media Video Third Quartile Completes

  • DCM Rich Media Video Unmutes

  • DCM Rich Media Video View Rate

  • DCM Rich Media Video Views

  • DCM Roadblock Impressions

  • DCM Site

  • DCM Site ID

  • DCM UVAR Engagement Name

  • DCM UVAR Item Shared Viewed

  • DCM UVAR Share Method

  • DCM UVAR User ID

  • DCM UVAR Video Engagement Name

  • DCM Video Companion Clicks

  • DCM Video Companion Impressions