Types of Instagram Accounts


This article tells us about the types of Instagram Accounts that can be added to Sprinklr.

Account Type


Business Account

An Instagram Business account is Instagram’s version of a Facebook Page. It tells Instagram that you’re using the platform for some sort of marketing (even if not for a conventional business), and it allows you to access a number of features that personal profiles don’t have.

Instagram Business account is more preferred over Creator account to utilize complete functionalities of your Instagram account from Sprinklr

Creator Account

Instagram creator profile is mainly for influencers and content creators.

Like Instagram business profiles, creator profiles will have access to a number of exclusive features and in-depth analytics.

Note: Please make sure that, if your Instagram account is a Creator Account and has more than or equal to 500K followers, please convert the Instagram Creator account to Business account as Instagram API Does Not allow Instagram Direct Messages to be fetched for Creator Account with followers >= 500K.

Personal Profiles

Personal Instagram profile is mainly used for connecting with friends and sharing their day-to-day activities. Influencers mainly use personal profiles for increasing their organic reach.

Note: Instagram has deprecated the Instagram Platform API that allows Sprinklr to support Instagram Personal Profiles by March 2020. This measure has been taken to ensure the integrity of data that is passed via API. Due to this change, Sprinklr will no longer be able to fetch any data for Instagram Personal accounts via API as of March 31st, 2020. Thus, users cannot Add Instagram Personal Account in Sprinklr.