Percentage Based Routing


The Percentage-Based Routing feature enables administrators to efficiently distribute cases across user groups by assigning work on predefined percentage points. This method ensures that case allocation is balanced and aligned with the operational capacities and goals of each group.

By setting specific distribution ratios, administrators control the volume of cases routed to each group to prevent
overburdening of one group as compared to the other groups.

The feature also supports targeted sampling, letting administrators adjust case distribution based on specific needs. With the ability to fine tune the distribution at different levels, administrators can ensure work is spread out in a way that fits the goals and capacity of each group, improving overall efficiency and balance.

Enablement Note: To get the Percentage-Based Routing capability enabled use

DP: ACD_DISTRIBUTION_GROUP_BASED_ROUTING_ENABLED. To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, contact your Success Manager.

Key Benefits of Percentage Based Routing in Work Queue

  • Customizable Sampling of Cases among User groups: Administrators can create user groups and assign a specific percentage of the total workload to each group. This ensures that work is evenly and fairly divided based on each group’s capacity. The total percentage assigned to all groups adds up to 100%. This method prevents one single group getting over utilized from the other groups.

  • Granular Time-Based Distribution: This feature offers the ability to set time intervals, known as granularity levels, after which the percentage distribution resets. Once the defined time is completed, the assigned percentage for all groups resets to zero, and the distribution of cases starts fresh based on the original set percentages. This dynamic reset ensures that case routing is always up to date, allowing for flexible and efficient management of workload over time.

Adding Percentage Based Routing

Perform the following steps to add the percentage based routing.

Step 1. Click the New Tab icon. Under Sprinklr Service, select Unified Routing within Route.

Step 2. Select Work Queue on the left panel.

Step 3. Select Add Work Queue from the top-right corner or select edit an existing work queue.

Step 4. Enter required details in General Settings and Routing Configuration to proceed further.

Step 5. Under Assignees section, select Percentage-Based Distribution from the Distribution Type drop down menu.

Step 6. Select the Granularity Level from the drop down menu.

Step 7. Under Distribution Group, add a name to the group and select the Distribution Group Name from the dropdown, where you want to route the cases.

Step 8. Enter the Percentage for each group, making sure the total equals 100% for all the calls.

Step 9. Click +Add Distribution Group to add more distribution groups if required.

Step 10. Click Save.

Use Case Scenario

XYZ Contact Center handles a large number of cases from both Bangalore and Hyderabad, with the majority coming from Bangalore. To streamline their case distribution and manage the resources in their contact centres according to the incoming case volume, they use the Percentage-Based Distribution feature.

Currently, cases in the work queue are high for Bangalore so the cases are divided between the Bangalore and Hyderabad BPOs based on the cases volume. 60% of cases from Bangalore are assigned to the ABC BPO in Bangalore, while the remaining 40% are routed to the HIG BPO in Hyderabad. This approach ensures efficient case distribution in alignment with workload expectations, allowing for balanced operations across both regions. Each BPO partner's workload is managed proportionally, preventing any single partner from becoming overwhelmed while maintaining an equitable case distribution.

This feature has streamlined the case distribution process by automating routing based on set percentages, eliminating the need for manual adjustments or inconsistent allocations.