Reddit Ad Account Permissions


Accounts should be tagged with account properties to place them in the appropriate account groups. 

Accounts may be shared with the appropriate user groups to permit access to the data. 

Sprinklr Permissions

To permission an Ad Account to a group of users in Sprinklr, follow these steps: 

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under Governance Console, click All Settings within Listen

  2. On the Platform Settings window, search and click Accounts under the Manage Workspace section. 

  3. On the Accounts window, hover over the Options icon alongside the desired account and select Edit

  4. On the Update [Account Name] window, scroll down to the Permissions section and provide the details of Users or Users Groups you wish to give ad account permissions to. To learn more about Ad Account permissions, see Ad Account Area Permissions. If you are providing permissions to Pages, see Provide Account-Level Permissions





Provides all account-level permissions. 


Allows users to publish messages from the specified account. 


Allows users to engage and respond to messages for the specified account. 

View Reporting 

Allows users to view Reporting data associated with the specified account.  

Channel Action 

Applies to channel-specific actions associated with the native channel.

View Planner 

Allows users to view the Editorial Calendar. 

Native permission: 

You can permission for your ad account to other accounts through native. The person will be sent an email and asked to confirm the permissions before being given access. To manage permission through native: 

  1. Go to reddit ads -> click on Members option under Accounts tab.

  2. Enter the email of the user you want to invite, then select the permissions and send invite.

  3. Go to View all accounts & invitation -> Pending invitations, then verify the permission level and accept or reject the request. 

Now to change the permission of the already added accounts: 

  1. Go to reddit ads -> click on Members option under Accounts tab. 

  2. Go to the Permission column and click on edit. 

  3. Choose the required permission for the user from the drop-down list and save it


Permission Level 


Sprinklr Term  


Analysts can view and download performance metrics from the dashboard. They cannot edit or create campaigns or creatives 



Creators can edit and create campaigns and creatives. They can also toggle campaigns and creatives off and on. 



Administrators can edit, create, and toggle on/off campaigns and creatives. They can also update billing information and invite new users to the account. 
