Using Proficiency (Best Skill Matching) for Routing


In Skill Based Routing, Unified Routing offers the capabiltiy to define the proficiency (expertise) of an agent in a particular skill. By this, supervisors can ensure cases are asisgned to all types of agents having different levels of experience. For example, in an organization, customer queries that require general details about the company's products can be routed toan agent having good communication skill, whereas for omplaint/quality issues related queries, the case should be routed to an agent having more technical expertise in the product.

Assigning Skills and Proficiency to Agents

1. Navigate to Agents Tab in Unified Routing. Here you can switch the list of Agents to User Groups.

2. For assigning skills to the Agent/Agent Group, click on three dots beside the agent name and click Edit. In this, you can add a new skill by clicking on Add New Skill to All Agents.

3. Select the Skill Category, Skill and Skill Proficiency to be assigned to the Agent / Agent Group. You can add mutiple skills by clicking on the "+" icon on the right of skill proficiency field.

How Best Skill Matching works ?

Lets look at the following example to understand how best skill matching criteria works. A customer sends an email to a brand about a query related to one of the company's products. The required skills for the case is tagged to the case in the Rule Enigne/IVR cased on the intent detected in the case. The required capacity points for the case is also shown as per the capacity configuration set in the work queue.

The agents available in the work queue with the asisgned skills and capacity are shown in the figure below. The term in the bracket neside each skill represents the proficiency level of agent in that skill. Higher this number, higher is the agent's expertise in that skill. Available capacity denotes the free capacity points of the agent that can be used for assigning cases. The Last Case Assignment is the time of the last case which was assigned to the user.

Calculation of Proficiency Score

The Proficiency score is calculated using the below formula :

Proficiency Score = Σ(Skill proficiency tagged with Case * Skill Proficiency assigned to the Agent ​)

Based on the above, the proficiency score is as follows :


Proficiency score is only calculated for agents who have all the required skills that are tagged with the case

Routing Logic

The routing logic used for Best Skill Matching is shown as follows. As per the Skills, Proficiency, Available capacity points, and Last case assignment time, the case is routed to the most appropriate agent.