Creating and assigning Skills to Agents


Unified Routing ​​provides a one stop shop for creation and management of skill/skill categories allowing clients to ensure assignment of calls/cases to agents equipped with particular skill-set as in real life, all on Sprinklr platform. Here, we can define various new skills and skill categories as per our requirements. The page appears as shown below in Unified Routing module and displays all the skill categories along with the skills in it, skill description, date they were created on and the date they were last modified.


​Skills and Skill Categories

In Unified Routing, we have catergorised different Skills so that it becomes easier for supervisors to assign the skills to agents and manage them. In the picture above, there are two Skill categories : Billing Issues and Complaint Issues. Under this we have created skills like Invoice Issues and Quality complaints respectively. Categorising the skills prevents confusion when choosing the right skill to be assigned to an agent. In the upcoming sections, we will look at how to create these skills and skill categories.

​Skill Category Creation

1. Navigate to Unified Routing from the Launchpad by clicking on Unified Routing under Sprinklr Service.

2. On the Skills Tab, click on the “Add Skill Category” Icon on the upper-right corner of the screen. This will open third pane where you can add details of a Skill Category.

3. Enter Skill Category Name (Compulsory), detailed description describing the Skill Category. You have to add at least one skill to the new category being created (Compulsory).

6. Click on Create Icon. Your new Skill Category is now created with all the Skills added to it.

​Skill Creation

1. On the Skills tab of Unified Routing, you can directly create new skills by clickng on Add Skill icon on the top right corner of the screen.

2. Enter New Skill Name (Compulsory) and add a detailed description of the new skill. Select an available Skill Category from the dropdown. If the required Skill Category is not is the dropdown list, you have to create it first.

3. Click on the Create Icon. This Skill will now be reflected under the respective skill category bucket.

Editing existing skills and skill categories

You can edit the skill categories and skills by clicking on Edit Skill Category/Skills as shown below. You can also delete the skills which are not required.

Assigning Skills to Agents / Agent Groups

1. Navigate to Agents Tab in Unified Routing. Here you can switch between the list of Agents or User Groups. If you want to update the skills of an agent or couple of agents, then use Agents list. If you want to update the skills of an entire User Group, then select User Groups list.

2. For assigning skills to the Agent/Agent Group, click on three dots beside the agent name and click Edit. In this, you can add a new skill by clicking on Add New Skill to All Agents.

3. Select the Skill Category, Skill and Skill Proficiency to be assigned to the Agent / Agent Group. You can add mutiple skills by clicking on the "+" icon on the right of skill proficiency field.

4. Click on Save after adding the skills. You can see that the Skill is assigned to the Agent and can view in the Agents Page.

Modifying the Skill Proficiency

To change the Skill proficiency of any skill, select Add to All from the dropdown. Change the proficiency to desired value and click Save. The proficiency will now be changed for that skill.

Removing Skills from Agents

​1. To remove a skill that is already assigned to agent, select "Remove from All" from the drop down as shown. Click Save

2. You can now see that skill is not assigned to agent anymore.