How to Remove Applied Strategy Group Optimizations


Based on the requirements, you can exclude various Strategy Group optimizations applied to different ad entities. This capability is currently supported for Smart Ad RotationSmart Bidding, and Stop Loss optimizations.

Things to Remember

You can exclude your applied Strategy Groups at the following levels:

Smart Ad Rotation
Smart Bidding
Stop Loss
  • Ad level

  • Ad Set level

You cannot exclude Smart Bidding optimization from Twitter Campaigns and Facebook CBO Campaigns. You will need to remove the Strategy Group itself.

  • Ad level

The exclusion of optimization will be executed immediately after the Strategy Group is applied.

To Exclude Strategy Group Optimizations

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Ads Manager within Analyze.

  2. To exclude the applied Strategy Group Optimizations, check the box alongside the desired Ad Campaign on the Ads Manager window and click View & Edit from the bottom Edit panel.

  3. Click on the Ad Set or Ad for which you want to exclude/include Strategy Group Optimizations. Refer to Things to Remember for more information.

  4. On the Editing pane to the right, navigate to the Strategy section. Click Remove Optimization for Ad Variant alongside the Strategy Group optimization to remove the applied Strategy Group from an Ad Variant.
    Excluding Strategy Groups

  5. On the Modify Optimization for Ad Variants pop up window, click Remove.
    Removing Strategy Groups Optimization

  6. You can also click Re-Add Optimization for Ad Variants to re-add the optimization you have removed.
    Re-adding Removed Optimization

To Exclude Strategy Group Optimizations via Macros

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Ads Manager within Analyze.

  2. Hover over the Options icon Space_Icon_Options (Vertical).png alongside the desired Ad Campaign on the Ads Manager window and select Ads within the Go To option. You can also select Ad Set if you want to exclude/include Strategy Group Optimization from the Ad Set level.

  3. Now, check the box alongside the Ad(s) you want the Strategy Group Optimizations to be excluded from. 

  4. Select Macros from the bottom Edit panel.

  5. Click Build New Macro in the bottom left corner of the Saved Macros pop-up window.

  6. On the Macro pop-up window, select Strategy Group Features from the drop-down menu. Based on your requirement, select the operator i.e. Exclude/Re-include and select the desired Optimization(s) from the third field.

  • Exclude - Select Exclude if you want to exclude specific optimization(s) from your Ad/Ad Set.

  • Re-include - Select Re-include if you want to re-apply specific optimization(s) to your Ad/Ad Set.

Excluding Desired Optimization via Macro

7. Click Apply on Entities in the bottom right corner to complete the exclusion.