How do Smart Budget Strategy Groups Interact with Facebook CBO?


In Ads Manager, you can apply Smart Budget on Facebook Campaigns or Ad Sets that have Campaign Budget Optimization enabled. Facebook will continue to optimize according to its algorithm, identifying the users who are most likely to convert and deliver ads to those users. Smart Budget uses the final conversion results from the advertiser's chosen point of conversion (including non-social measurement) to determine how to shift budgets.

Smart Budget distributes the funds allocated by CBO at the Campaign level across Campaigns/Ad Sets within the pool to optimize accordingly. 

In this article, we will walk through the following:

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.


For Campaigns with CBO enabled, you can choose to distribute your budget between the following ad entity levels:

  • Paid Initiative - The CBO algorithm will take care of the Campaign budget distribution among Ad Sets and the SBA algorithm will distribute budget among Campaigns.

  • Ad Set - The SBA algorithm will take care of the Campaign budget distribution among Ad Sets.

Note that this is only applicable from the Ads Manager with Smart Budget being applied to at least two Campaigns.

Distributing Budget for your Campaign within Strategy Group

Benefits of Using Smart Budget with CBO

Use Cases

Greater Visibility

Greater Visibility

Using CBO in the native platform, advertisers are unable to determine what portion of the total Campaign budget each ad set is receiving.

SBA improves visibility by prescribing budgets to individual ad sets and allowing the advertisers to better understand how budgets are distributed.


Optimize Across Campaigns

While the CBO functionality distributes budget among ad sets based upon performance, it cannot be applied across multiple Campaigns.

SBA allows advertisers to optimize for maximum performance across ad sets that make up multiple Campaigns.

Custom Metrics

Custom Metrics

Using CBO, advertisers rely on standard channel optimization goals to optimize toward Campaigns.

SBA allows advertisers to create custom calculations using Custom Metrics which they can optimize, ensuring Campaigns are achieving results for the right metrics.


Third-Party Metrics

Using CBO, advertisers rely on standard channel optimization goals to optimize toward Campaigns.

SBA allows advertisers to optimize toward 3rd Party Analytics like DCM, Google Analytics, Stats Import, and more, ensuring Campaigns are achieving results for the right metrics.

Budget Distribution

Let's say, there are three CBO-enabled Campaigns (Campaign A, Campaign B, and Campaign C) with ad sets (A1, A2, B1, B2, and C1, C2), respectively. The allocated Daily Budget is as follows:

  • Campaign A - $400

  • Campaign B - $500

  • Campaign C - $600

Campaigns with CBO & SBA: Budget Distribution among Campaigns

Once you've applied Smart Budget to Campaign A, B, and C with budget distribution at the Campaign level, the budget will be distributed among Campaigns while the CBO algorithm optimizes for the Ad Sets (A1, A2, B1, B2, and C1, C2) based on their performance. This is how the Campaigns will look once the Smart Budget is allocated:

Campaign A
Campaign B
Campaign C
  • Campaign Level Daily Budget - $150

  • Campaign Level Daily Budget - $730

  • Campaign Level Daily Budget - $620

Campaigns with CBO & SBA: Budget Distribution among Ad Sets

Once you've applied Smart Budget to Campaign A, B, and C with budget distribution at the Ad Set level, the SBA algorithm will distribute the budgets among Ad Sets (A1, A2, B1, B2, and C1, C2) based on their performance. This is how the Campaigns will look once the Smart Budget is allocated:

Campaign A
Campaign B
Campaign C
  • Campaign Level


    Daily Budget


    - $150

    • Ad Set A1 Minimum Daily Budget  - $50

    • Ad Set A2 Minimum Daily Budget - $100

  • Campaign Level


    Daily Budget


    - $730

    • Ad Set B1 Minimum Daily Budget - $500

    • Ad Set B2 Minimum Daily Budget - $230

  • Campaign Level


    Daily Budget

     - $620

    • Ad Set C1 Minimum Daily Budget - $400

    • Ad Set C2 Minimum Daily Budget - $220


Once the Smart Budget is applied, the Ad Set level budget is enforced by setting a minimum budget limit at the ad set level.

Given below is a graphical representation of how CBO and Smart Budget work:

Day 1

Applying Smart Budget distributes campaign-level budgets equally among Campaigns or ad sets.

  • Campaign A

    • $400 Total Ad Set Minimum Daily Budget

    • $400 Total Campaign Daily Budget

  • Campaign B

    • $500 Total Ad Set Minimum Daily Budget

    • $500 Total Campaign Daily Budget

  • Campaign C

    • $600 Total Ad Set Minimum Daily Budget

    • $600 Total Campaign Daily Budget


Day 5

Smart Budget begins to make larger budget changes as the algorithm collects more data points on performance against the optimization goal.

  • Campaign A

    • $325 Total Ad Set Minimum Daily Budget

    • $400 Total Campaign Daily Budget

  • Campaign B

    • $565 Total Ad Set Minimum Daily Budget

    • $500 Total Campaign Daily Budget

  • Campaign C

    • $610 Total Ad Set Minimum Daily Budget

    • $600 Total Campaign Daily Budget


Day 10

Towards the end of the Campaign, Smart Budget will make the most significant budget changes as it has a large data set to learn from.

  • Campaign A

    • $150 Total Ad Set Minimum Daily Budget

    • $400 Total Campaign Daily Budget

  • Campaign B

    • $730 Total Ad Set Minimum Daily Budget

    • $500 Total Campaign Daily Budget

  • Campaign C

    • $620 Total Ad Set Minimum Daily Budget

    • $600 Total Campaign Daily Budget
