How to Configure Smart Budget Strategy Groups


Manage your budget and make the most of your ads using Smart Budget Strategy Groups.

While creating a Strategy Group within Ads Manager or Ads Composer, you need to add your budget details. Creating a Smart Budget Strategy Group will provide an insight into how you want your budget to be handled. Based on your requirements, you can either distribute your budget between Paid Initiatives or Ad Sets. In this article, we will learn how to manually configure a Smart Budget.

Use cases

  • Automatically redistribute Campaign or Ad Set budgets to top-performing entities to drive increased Return on Ad Spend (ROAS).

  • Eliminate the manual, user-driven budget inputs, and replace them with AI-powered optimization decisions based on real-time performance.

  • Smart Budget can allocate budget across campaigns as well as ad sets belonging to different campaigns having the same or different objectives.

To configure Strategy Group Smart Budget

1. In the New Strategy Group pane to the right, provide the Basic Details for your Strategy Group. For more information, see Strategy Group — Field Description.

2. Check the box alongside Smart Budget and click the Smart Budget option from the left pane to configure it manually.

3. On the Smart Budget window, select the ad entity level (Paid Initiative or Ad Set) you want your budget to be distributed across. The Paid Initiative level will be selected by default.


If you select:

  • Paid Initiative - The total budget that will be distributed will be the Sum of Paid Initiatives Budgets, except when the Maximum Budget limit makes that unattainable.

  • Ad Set - The total budget that will be distributed will be the Sum of Ad Sets Budgets, except when the Maximum Budget limit makes that unattainable.

4. Select the Budget Type you want to apply to your Paid Initiatives. If you choose Lifetime Budget, we'll never spend more than that amount. If you choose a Daily Budget, you may spend more on some days and less on others but will maintain an average daily budget.


You can only select Budget Type when you are creating a Strategy Group for Facebook.

5. Enter the Minimum Budget for each Campaign/Ad Set and/or Maximum Budget for each Campaign/Ad Set as per your selected budget distribution type.

6. Follow the outlined steps to complete the process. For more information, see Create a Strategy Group.