Importing Stats Files Manually



This article covers how to manually import files in stats import after a template has been created..

Import stats using Manual Import

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing - Advertising tab, click Tools and Settings within Plan.

  2. On the Ads Settings window, select Stats Imports within Imports/Exports Settings.

  3. On the Stats Import window, you can view all the stats import-related data such as the number of rows uploaded or skipped due to Ad/Campaign ID mismatch during import, etc. In the top-right corner of the Stats Import window, click Import Stats.

  4. On the Bulk Import pop-up window, select the template you created from the Stats Templates drop-down. To manage your templates, see Manage Stat Imports Templates.

  5. In the Import File section, Drag & Drop your file or click Upload to select an EXCEL / CSV file containing the third-party stats. You cannot upload an Excel file with more than 25k rows.

Note: The format of your file data must match the chosen template.

  1. Click Import in the bottom right corner to complete the process. To analyze the status of your import and view the import details, see Analyze Advertising Stats Imports. You can also view the cumulative data of your stats report in Ads Reporting.


After the manual upload is completed, you can see a summary line with the results, including any errors. Each import is unique, with its own id under the Import Id column.