How to Configure Stop Loss Strategy Groups


Strategy Groups allow you to set your optimization strategy based on your specific needs. Stop Loss is one of the key optimizations that identify bad ads and stop them. It saves your funds and ensures the delivery of your ads to the right audience. Stop Loss evaluates and pauses ads that are exceeding your target CPA or not meeting your goal based on your configuration. 

In this article, we will learn how you can manually configure Stop Loss.

To Configure Strategy Group Stop Loss

1. In the New Strategy Group pane to the right, provide the Basic Details for your Strategy Group. For more information, see Strategy Group — Field Description.

2. Check the box alongside Stop Loss and click the Stop Loss option from the left pane to configure it manually.

3. You can configure the desired Stop Loss options from the following:

4. Check the box alongside Notify when an Ad is Paused or Activated by Stop Loss under Notification Settings to get instant notification when your ad is paused or activated by stop loss.

5. Once done, follow the outlined steps to complete the process. For more information, see Create a Strategy Group.