Setup To Control Sprinklr Livechat Visibility using Salesforce Queue


While configuring the Live chat application, Sprinklr now leverages the option to associate a work queue from Salesforce which can then be used to fetch the availability and capacity of agents from Salesforce and utilize that to control the visibility of the Sprinklr Live chat on the brand website. A brand can further control the visibility based on an associated skill of an agent and the proficiency value of the skill.


  • Sprinklr Salesforce Connector Setup is configured in the environment.


  1. Search for Live Chat Care in Launchpad 

  2. Open Live Chat Care and create a new Live Chat Application 

  3. Open the Associated Case Work Queue and select External Queue Based Routing.  


  4. Select an external queue from the dropdown containing Salesforce Work queues. You can also add a skill from the dropdown from the skills possessed by agents in that queue and the corresponding proficiency values of that skill. Add the remaining configurations for the live chat application and click on create.