Add/Remove Collaborators to Project


In Project Management, you can share a project with your team for collaboration, transparency, feedback/review or as a shared resource.  

Where can you add collaborators in a project?

You can open "Manage Collaborator" pane for a project from the following screen actions in Project Management: 

  1. All Projects Screen > Three dot icon of the project > Share.

  2. All Projects Screen > Three dot icon of the project > Edit > Collaborators.

  3. Share button on the top right corner inside a project.

Steps to add collaborators in a project

  1. You need to be admin or owner of the project to have sharing permission in the project. 

  2. Once you are in Manage Collaborators popup (through any of the three ways discussed above), select the users by searching them in the search bar and choose their access. You can give Admin, Editor or Read Only access to the users.

    (a) Admin: Admins can fully configure and edit the projects but cannot change the project owner and cannot delete the project. 

    (b) Editor: Editors can edit task records and task views but cannot configure project fields (The team members working on the project can be given ”Editor” access so that they can change their task status and collaborate with their teammates). 

    (c) Read Only: Users with Read Only access can only view the task records and task views but cannot edit or collaborate on tasks.

  3. Once you add the user, click on Send Invite button, and close the popup. All the added users will receive inbox, platform, and email notification. 

  4. An admin or an owner can also change the access levels of the existing users or remove them from the project. 

  5. A "Copy link to Project" option is available to quickly share the project to the users having access to it. 

Note: Users inherit the same access levels to projects (within a portfolio) as they possess for the portfolio itself. For example, if a user has admin access to the portfolio, they get admin access to all the projects of this portfolio by default.