Add Skills


Skills are essential components that empower your Digital Twin to perform various tasks and actions effectively. Each skill represents a micro-action that your Digital Twin can execute in response to user interactions, inquiries, or system triggers. Whether it's automating processes, retrieving data, sending messages, or scheduling tasks, skills provide the flexibility and agility needed to optimize your Digital Twin's performance and enhance its value to users.

To Add Skills

  1. Click View next to Skills & Tasks within Step 2· Define Skills, Tasks & Routing.

  2. On the Task Manager window, navigate to the Skills section at the top right corner and click on View Skills.

  3. On the Skills window, click Add Skill located in the top right corner, and then select the desired option from the dropdown menu:

    - Macro

    - API

    - Deflection

    - Send Message

    - Data Table

    - Data Connector

    - Schedule

    These options provide different functionalities and capabilities that you can integrate into your Digital Twin, allowing you to enhance its effectiveness and versatility in performing tasks and interacting with users.