Snapchat Pixels


Snap Pixel is a tool that enables advertisers to measure the effectiveness of their campaigns in driving customer actions across multiple devices. It is a small piece of JavaScript code that can be easily installed on your website.

What can the Snap Pixel do for you?

With Snap Pixel, you can track how many Snapchatters are taking action on your website after seeing your Ads. This helps you to measure the success of your campaigns and optimize them for better results.

Snap Pixel is especially useful for advertisers with direct response goals, such as generating leads, driving subscriptions, or increasing product sales. You can measure these goals beyond a single session or device, providing a comprehensive understanding of your customer journey.

To View Insights

Once you have published your ad campaign, you will be redirected to the Ads Manager window.

  1. On the Ads Manager window, hover over the Options icon alongside the desired campaign and select View & Edit.

  2. In the Edit pane to the right, click Analytics from the right navigation pane.

  3. From the Analytics window, select a conversion pixel metric for which you want to view insights from the drop-down menu to the top. You can now view how your campaign is performing. In this section, you can track your conversion data corresponding to your ad.
    Analysing the Performance of Conversion Pixel on the Campaign Level

  1. On the Ads Manager window, hover over the Options icon alongside the desired campaign and select View Insights.

  2. From the Select Dashboard to View Insights pop-up window, select the desired dashboard to view insights and click Open. Here you can further track your conversion data.


    You can also report on the Conversion metrics’ Attribution Window provided by Snapchat within Ads Reporting and Ads Manager. For example, Snapchat Conversions Total Installs (7 Day Swipe Up 1 Hour View).

    The attribution window provides an accurate way to gauge the effectiveness of your advertising campaign. Using these reports, you can have granular control to set specific attribution business logic.

    Analysing Conversion Data within Ads Reporting


No, Snapchat only offers a JavaScript tag.

Yes, a Pixel ID can be shared to multiple ad accounts.

Currently, Snapchat only offers a server-to-server integration with Google Tag Manager. 

While Snapchat does not have integrations with other tag management systems, the pixel should work if embedded in another tag manager.

Conversion reporting will be supported for our self service ad gormats: Snap Ads (as well as Snap Ads within a Story ad format).

Currently, Snapchat only supports conversion reporting at the aggregate level.

By default, Snapchat's post-swipe attribution window is set to 28 days and the post-view attribution window is set to 1 day.