Create an Article with Sprinklr AI+


Sprinklr AI+ transforms the knowledge base editor into a versatile tool to enhance various aspects of the article creation process, from brainstorming ideas and outlining structures to refining language and optimizing content for specific goals like SEO optimization.​

The integration of Sprinklr AI+ into the article editor brings forth a multitude of efficiency and quality benefits for content creators. It streamlines workflows by providing quick drafts and ideas, helping to overcome creative challenges. Language enhancement features elevate the overall quality of writing, ensuring that articles are SEO-optimized through suggested keywords. With multilingual support, global outreach is facilitated, allowing for content personalization to cater to diverse audiences.

Enablement note:

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

To Create and Refine Content with Sprinklr AI+

  1. Click the addition icon and select the option Brainstorm Ideas.

  2. Provide a topic, phrase, or a keyword, and Sprinklr AI+ will generate content that is relevant and engaging for your targeted audience.

  3. After generation, you can retry, keep, or select the preferred option from the bottom as explained below.


Rewording a text allows you to change the grammar, and vocabulary while maintaining the same context as of the previous text.

  1. Select Reword from the list of options that will appear.

  2. Sprinklr AI+ will rephrase the content for you. You can perform the following actions on the suggested content:

    1. Replace Selection - Replace the original content with the suggested content.

    2. Insert Below - Insert the suggested content below the original content.

    3. Regenarate - Try again for better rephrased content.

    4. Discard - Discard the suggested content.

Fix Spelling & Grammar

To make sure the written content is grammatically correct and does not have any spelling or punctuation errors, use Sprinklr AI+ to fix the Spelling and Grammar errors.

Make it Longer

If you are not satisfied with the length of your content, you can use the the Make it Longer option to increase the length of your content while retaining the context of your content.

Make it Shorter

To shorten the length of your content or to make it more crisp and precise, you can select the Make it Shorter option to rephrase your content using Sprinklr AI+.

Modify Tone

If you are not satisfied or are not sure about the emotion or style of your content, you can use the Modify Tone option to influence your reader and clearly define your intention. You can select Professional, Relaxed, Empathetic, Bold, Persuasive, and Luxury to change or enhance the tone of your content.

Simplify Language

Make your content more accessible and understandable to a wider audience by using the Simplify Language option. Simplifying a piece of content allows you to keep your reader engaged and interested.


Condense or summarize the content into a shorter, more concise format.

Improve Writing

Improve language and coherence to enhance overall quality, readability, and search engine visibility of the content.


Translating content in the native language of your customer helps you to build trust and loyalty. Also, you can expand into new market regions by Translating your content in the local language of the targeted market region.