Workforce Management Permissions


Workforce Management (WFM) is a critical component in ensuring the efficient operation of contact centers, and the role of supervisors is pivotal in managing and optimizing workforce activities. In this article, we will delve into WFM permissions, specifically focusing on the various modules and the permissions available to supervisors and agents

Creating Roles

Supervisors play a crucial role in the successful implementation of WFM strategies. In the Sprinklr Service Launchpad, supervisors can search for global roles and create new roles tailored for WFM, i.e., they can govern the permissions that are to be accessed by the supervisors and agents. When creating a new role, supervisors are required to provide a role name and establish the global scope, setting the stage for more granular control over WFM functionalities.

Forecasting Permissions:

View: Allows supervisors to access forecasted data.

Create: Permits the creation of new forecasts.

Edit: Enables the modification of specific input fields.

Delete: Authorizes the removal of obsolete forecasts.

Share: Facilitates the sharing of forecast data with relevant stakeholders.

Export: Allows supervisors to export forecast information in excel for further analysis.

Filter: Permits the application of filters on workloads for a more refined view of forecast data.

Manage Adjustment: Provides the ability to make adjustments to the forecast.

Release: Allows supervisors to release forecast data for implementation.

Capacity Planning Permissions:

View: Allows supervisors to access capacity plan data.

Create: Permits the creation of new capacity plan reports.

Edit: Enables the modification of specific input fields.

Delete: Authorizes the removal of obsolete capacity plan reports.

Share: Facilitates the sharing of capacity plan data with relevant stakeholders.

Export: Allows supervisors to export capacity plan information in excel for further analysis.

Filter: Permits the application of filters on workloads for a more refined view of capacity plan data.

Manage Service Level Metrics: Provides the capability to manage Service Level Metrics aspects.

Release: Allows supervisors to release capacity plan data for implementation.

Scheduling Permissions:

View: Allows supervisors to access scheduling data.

Create: Permits the creation of new schedules.

Edit: Enables the modification of specific input fields.

Delete: Authorizes the removal of obsolete schedules.

Share: Facilitates the sharing of schedules with other supervisors.

Export: Allows supervisors to export schedules in excel for further analysis.

Approval Mandatory: Requires approval for any schedule changes.

Release: Allows supervisors to release schedules for agents.

Clone: Permits the creation of identical copies of existing manual schedules at extended dates.

Workload Permissions:

View: Allows supervisors to access workloads data.

Create: Permits the creation of new workloads.

Edit: Enables the modification of specific input fields.

Delete: Authorizes the removal of obsolete workloads.

Shift Bidding Permissions:

View: Allows supervisors to access shift bidding data.

Create: Permits the creation of new shift bid processes.

Edit: Enables the modification of input fields.

Delete: Authorizes the removal of outdated shift bid processes.

Share: Facilitates the sharing of shift bids with relevant stakeholders.

Override Preferences: Allows supervisors to override agent preferences in shift bidding process.

Ask to Resubmit: Permits supervisors to request resubmission of shift preferences.

Shift Permissions:

View: Allows supervisors to access shifts data.

Create: Permits the creation of new shifts.

Edit: Enables the modification of input fields.

Delete: Authorizes the removal of outdated shifts.

Clone: Allows the creation of identical copies of shifts with flexibility to change minor inputs.

Activity Permissions:

View: Allows supervisors to access activities data.

Create: Permits the creation of new activities.

Edit: Enables the modification of input fields.

Delete: Authorizes the removal of outdated activities.

Time-off Management Permissions:

Create: Allows the Agents to create new time-off requests.

Manage: Allows the Supervisors to manage and review the existing time-off requests.

All Users Accessible: Allows the Supervisors to filter on all users and gain access to their time-off information.

Shift Trading Permissions:

View: Allows Agents to view shift trade requests raised by other agents.

Create: Allows Agents to create new shift trade requests

Delete: Allows Agents to delete existing shift trade requests.

Accept: Allows Agents to accept or reject the shift trade request.

Approve or Reject: Allows Supervisors to approve or reject the shift trade request once mutually accepted by agents.

Agent Schedule Permissions:

View: Allows Agents to view their individual weekly and monthly schedule once prepared and released by Supervisors.