Add a SSO Service Providers


Sprinklr provides you with the ability to log in to multiple platforms acting as the identity provider for various service providers. 

Step 1: To Add an SSO Service Provider

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Governance Console, click All Settings within Platform Setup.
  2. In the Platform Settings window, click Manage Customer in the left pane and select SSO Service Providers in the right pane.PlatformSettings_SSOServiceProvider1.png
  3. In the SSO Service Providers window, click Add Service Provider in the top right corner.
  4. In the Add Single Sign On Service Provider window, fill in the required details. For more information, see Add SSO Service Providers — Field Descriptions.PlatformSettings_SSOServiceProvider.png
  5. Click Save in the bottom-right corner of the window.

Add SSO Service Providers — Field Descriptions

Term Description
Name Enter the desired name for your Service Provider.
Description Enter a description of your Service Provider.
Entity ID Enter the Entity Id. If no entity id is specified, the organization domain will be used. 
ACS URL Enter the Assertion Consumer Service URL. You can get the ACS URL from your Service Provider.
Issuer Enter the Issuer. You can get the Issuer from your Service Provider.
Subject Type Select the Subject Type as required.
Name ID Format Select a Name Id Format for the Subject from the drop-down.
Custom Fields Attributes 

You can add one or more attributes to the SAML response to be sent to the Service Provider. 

For the Key field, you can provide any name and, for the Value field, you can either enter freeform text or select any custom field from the drop-down list.

Add Attribute Click to add more Custom Fields Attributes.
Standard Attributes You can add one or more attributes to the SAML response to be sent to the Service Provider.
Sign Assertion? Check the box if you want to sign the assertion.
Verify Request Signatures? Check the box and enter the Verification Certificate if you want to verify request signatures.
Encrypt SAML Response? Check the box if you want to encrypt the SAML Response. Next, enter the Encryption Certificate and select a value for the Encryption Algorithm from the drop-down list.

Step 2: View & Access Entity ID and Login URL

  1. Once you have added an SSO Service Provider in Sprinklr, Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Governance Console, click All Settings within Platform Setup.
  2. In the Platform Settings window, click Manage Customer in the left pane and select SSO Service Providers in the right pane.
  3. In the SSO Service Providers window, you can view the Issuer, Entity ID and Login URLPlatformSettings_SSOServiceProvider_Issuer.png


    You can copy and save the following on the clipboard by clicking the copy icon alongside — 

    • Issuer
    • Entity ID
    • Login URL. 
  4. Click Download IDP Certificate icon in the top right corner of the SSO Service Providers window. PlatformSettings_SSOServiceProvider_Download.png
  5. Next, share all the acquired details with the Service Provider to finalize/complete the SSO Service Providers process.


    The following acquired details, need to be shared with your Service Provider:

    • IDP Entity ID
    • IDP Login URL
    • IDP Certificate