Set up Single Sign-On


Single Sign-On capability replaces standard email/password login to Sprinklr. It will enable login using the customer’s company credentials. This adds convenience for the customer as they have fewer logins that they need to create and remember. Additionally, it increases security as when any individual leaves the company they will lose Sprinklr access as well. Finally, this would result in any security measures built into the customer’s login such as two-factor authentication, being on an internal network, etc, and applied to Sprinklr login as well. 

Common SSO Providers

Sprinklr supports any identity provider that is compliant with SAML 2.0 and OpenID.

  • Okta

  • ADFS

  • OneLogin

  • PingFederate 

To Set Up Single Sign-On

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Governance Console, click All Settings within Platform Setup.

  2. In the Platform Settings window, click Manage Customer in the left pane and select Single Sign-Ons in the right pane.PlatformSettings_SingleSignOn.png

  3. In the Single Sign Ons window, click Add Single Sign On in the top right corner.

  4. In the Create Single Sign On window, fill in the required details. For more information, see Single Sign On — Field Descriptions.PlatformSettings_SingleSignOn1.png

  5. Click Save in the bottom right corner.

Single Sign On — Field Descriptions




Enter the desired name for the SSO.

Select the Type of Single Sign On

Choose the desired type of SSO. The following options are available:


Entity Id

Copy and paste the entity ID into Sprinklr.

Note that if you have a metadata file, this corresponds to the entityID= field. If you have a requirements checklist, this corresponds to the Entity Id of Identity Provider field. 

Issuer Name

Issuer Name is a URL that uniquely identifies your SAML identity provider. SAML assertions sent to Sprinklr must match this value exactly in the attribute of SAML assertions. 

Additionally, Issuer Name is an auto-populated field. You can update it based upon your requirements.

Identity Provider Login URL

Copy and paste the Identity Provider Login URL into Sprinklr. Note that if you have a metadata file, this will be in the <md:SingleSignOnService, Location= field.

You may see different locations for a post, redirect, other types of bindings. They always seem to be the same, so it should not matter which you paste in but 90%+ of clients use POST bindings so when in doubt use that. If you have a requirements checklist, this will be in the AuthNRequest: POST or REDIRECT bindings? field. 

Identity Provider Logout URL

Copy and paste the Identity Provider Logout URL into Sprinklr.

SAML User ID Type

Choose the desired SAML User ID Type. The following options are available:

  • If the customer is authenticating on email, leave at the default Assertion contains User's username selection. 

  • If they are authenticating on an ID value and not email, select Assertion contains the Federation ID from the User object instead. 

SAML User ID Location
Choose the desired SAML User ID Location. The following options are available:
  • If the customer is sending the authentication value (email or ID) in the NameID, leave at the default User ID is in the Name Identifier element of the Subject statement selection.
  • If the customer is sending the authentication value in another attribute then select User ID is in an Attribute element and enter the name of the attribute that the authentication value will be sent in.
You can determine whether the customer is sending the authentication value in the NameID or another attribute by asking them directly.
Request Binding
Select the desired request binding. The following options are available:
  • HTTP Redirect
User Not Provisioned Error Message
Enter an error message (using the Rich Text Editor)that you wish to be displayed when any user is not provisioned to login. 
Check the box and select the Name from the drop-down menu & enter the desired Attribute. 
Use new SSO Certificate
Check box for Use New SSO Certificate. This box needs to be checked for every SSO enablement. 
Request Signature Method
Select the Request Signature Method from the drop-down menu.
You can check the metadata file to confirm the Request Signature Method. In the metadata file, it should look something like this <ds:DigestMethod Algorithm=““/ >.
Identity Provider Certificate
Fill out the Identity Provider Certificate. In the metadata file, this corresponds to the <ds:X509Certificate> field. 

Open ID


Select the Provider from the drop-down list.


  • If you select any social channel(For example: Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and etc) as the Provider, then you are not required to fill out any additional steps 

  • If you select OpenID, then enter the Client Key, Client Secret, Authorize Endpoint URL, Token Endpoint URL, User Info URL and Scope