Create Staffing Metric Preset


Create a preset for staffing metrics such as Average Handling Time (AHT), Service Level (SL), Occupancy, etc., with values set at a specific level either based on 'Day of Week & Time of Day' or kept 'Constant'. This preset will be used to generate a staffing report.

To Create a Staffing Metric Preset

  1. Click Settings from the left pane of the WFM interface.

  2. On the Governance window, select Staffing Metrics Presets.

  3. On the Staffing Metrics Presets window, click Create Preset located in the top right corner.

  4. On the Staffing Metric Preset window, add a meaningful name and description for the staffing metric preset.

  5. Choose the type of communication channel (e.g., voice, email, chat) for which this preset will apply.

  6. Define the desired metrics:

    You have the option to define the metric values based on two different approaches: "Day of Week & Time of Day" or "Constant Value". Here's what each option means:

    Day of Week & Time of Day: This approach allows you to set different values for the metric depending on the specific day of the week and time of the day.

    Constant Value: This approach involves setting a single, unchanging value for the metric that applies uniformly at all times.


    Shrinkage: Expressed as a percentage. Shrinkage refers to the percentage of time that employees are not available to handle customer interactions due to breaks, meetings, training, or other non-productive activities.

    Average Handling Time (AHT): Expressed as seconds. AHT represents the average duration it takes for a customer service agent to handle a customer interaction from start to finish. It includes time spent talking to the customer, as well as any additional tasks required after the call ends.

    Max Average Speed of Answer (ASA): Expressed in seconds, ASA represents the maximum time it takes for an interaction to be answered by an available agent, on average, across all types of interactions, during a specified period. It measures the responsiveness of the support system to incoming queries or requests.

    Min Service Level: The Service Level Goal sets the target percentage of all interactions that should be addressed within a specified time frame, known as the Service Level Time.

    Occupancy: Occupancy is expressed as a percentage, indicating how many agents are available to handle interactions, taking into account both their productive and non-productive time.

  7. To delete any metric, hover over it and click the Delete icon that appears.

  8. Once all desired metrics are set, click Create at the bottom right corner to save the preset.

Actions on a Preset

Once you've created a preset, you have the flexibility to modify, share, replicate, or delete it as needed. You can also choose to disable the preset by toggling a switch. This action temporarily suspends the preset's functionality without erasing its settings.