Standard Dashboard for Ads Comment Analysis


Leverage Ads Comment Moderation Dashboard to monitor comments and get access to in-depth reports and mitigate risks related to people's reviews of your business and products.

To monitor and mitigate potential risk, a major portion of your advertising strategy would be focused on the content of your ad and the sentiments of engagement on your ad posts. Sprinklr brings you a reporting dashboard tailored specifically for this purpose.

The Ad Comment Analysis standard dashboard allows you to leverage an in-depth Reporting Dashboard for your comment monitoring needs right out of the box. You can:

  • Moderate your ad comments by analyzing the top keywords/phrases used in your ad comments.

  • Proactively monitor the sentiment of comments on your ad posts to avoid a crisis.

Value proposition




Media Planner, Media Executioner

Brands risk losing control of their messages, and any negativity posted online could turn new consumers away.

  • With Sprinklr’s comment insights, see exactly what consumers are commenting about and link to the ad driving the engagement.

  • Check the comments' sentiments, the main topics of discussion amongst your consumer, the most mentioned phrases, and keywords analysis.

  • Filter comments through Paid Initiative, Ad Set, Ad Variant as well as their custom properties to gain granular insights and make informed decisions.

Use cases

In the content analysis tab:

  • Look at all recent comments, and see which words and phrases are heavily used.

  • Look at what time of day is the most active time for the engagers, and align your organic/paid activity with this time.

  • See which ads are driving the highest engagement.

  • See which ads are driving negative engagements and pause the ad.

  • Drill down on negative emojis and take immediate action like hiding the spam comment.

In the sentiment tab:

  • Look at negative sentiments comment - see what people are talking about negatively and take immediate action like responding to the comment.

  • Look at positive sentiment comment - see what people love about your brand/product and take decisions on inventory.

  • Look at ads that have the most negative comments and take actions such as changing the text or pausing the ad.

  • Identify which ad creatives are not resonating with the target audience and modify the creative mid-campaign to deliver a message that resonated better with.

To Access the Ad Comment Analysis dashboard

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Ads Reporting within Analyze.

  2. On the Ads Reporting Home, click the Dashboard Switcher icon from the top-left corner and select Ads Comment Analysis Dashboard within Standard Dashboards.

  3. You can now monitor your ad comments and filter them based on Paid Initiatives, Ad Sets, Ad Variants as well as their custom properties for granular analysis of comments on posts. Learn more about applying filters to dashboards here.

  4. Note: This is a standard reporting dashboard and you cannot customize the widgets

Dashboard Overview

Ad content is what drives your advertising trajectory and moderating its theme with respect to keywords will effectively help you broaden the consumer base.

In this section, you will find data from your ad comments based on the following segmentation:

  • Main Topics of Discussion

  • Top Words

  • What keywords are mentioned the most within comments?

  • What phrases are mentioned in the comments?

  • What is the Volume of conversations by Source?

  • Most used positive vs negative hashtags

  • What time of the day got the most comments?

  • What day of the week got the most comments?

  • What are the Top 'Emojis' used by the audience of my brand?

  • Ad Comments

  • Ad Comments by Paid Initiative

  • Ad Comments by Ad Set

  • Ad Comments by Ad Variant

Monitoring the positive, negative, or neutral sentiment on your ad comments will determine the performance of your ad and effectively avoid any potential crisis.

In this section, you will find data from your ad comments based on the following segmentation:

  • Total Number of Comments

  • Breakdown of Positive vs Negative Comments

  • How has Sentiment on comments changed over time?

  • What were the top words for mentions with 'Negative' Sentiment?

  • Count of Negative Mentions

  • What are the Top Mentions with negative sentiment on your ad comments?

  • What were the top words for mentions with 'Positive' Sentiment?

  • Count of Positive Mentions

  • What are the Top Mentions with positive sentiment on your ad comments?

Things to remember

  • The dashboard data will be backfilled for the last 365 days.

  • You cannot clone the standard dashboard and will get an error for the same.

  • The dashboard will only show paid comments.

  • Even if you do not have a Listening license, you can still leverage the standard dashboard to derive insights.


  1. You can leverage the Ad Comment Analysis dashboard for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok and LinkedIn.

  2. The dashboard will show comments from ads only.

  3. Ad Comment Analysis will not work for Ads using Asset Customizations (placement, location, and language). Check Ads comment moderation overview for more information.

  4. The data will be backfilled for the last 365 days.

  5. Outbound post is not available for tiktok channel and AI analysis is not supported as per channel policy.

  6. You cannot edit or clone the dashboard and widgets.

  7. You need to have Ads license to access this dashboard.

Actions on insights derived from Ad Comment Analysis dashboard

You can take several actions on the comments from the insights derived directly from the Ad Comment Analysis Dashboard. Within the Sentiment Analysis tab, hover over the Options icon in the bottom right corner of each comment and select the action you desire to take on the comment based on the positive or negative sentiment. 

Frequently asked questions

Yes, you can filter the ad comments based on Paid Initiatives, Ad Sets, Ad Variants as well as custom properties.

You can leverage the Ad Comment Analysis dashboard for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

No. Deleted comments are filtered out from the dashboard.

No. The comments will not be translated and will be shown as is.

Only text is analyzed and we don’t have any widget for image analysis.

Currently, there is no special handling in the dashboard itself. You can however set up a rule that looks for those spammy links and auto-hide/delete those comments.

Sprinklr Sentiment Analysis model reads messages in context and extracts opinions/sentiments from the text it reads and categorizes them as positive, neutral, or negative. It makes combined use of Natural Language Processing and Deep Learning (a sub-set of Machine Learning) techniques to analyze and categorize opinions expressed by people across blogs, reviews, social media, forums, news, or through any other sort of text as positive, negative, or neutral according to the sentiments expressed by them. For more information, see Sentiment Analysis Overview.

The Time Range filter will filter out the number of comments made within that particular time frame and only show the analysis for those comments.

Yes, Comments on Facebook Dynamic ads will be fetched as well.