Leadership Dashboard


This report summarizes the overall Inbound and Outbound call center performance that are necessary for a leadership view.

Inbound KPIs

Total Calls Funnel View

This is a funnel level view of all the major call centre KPIs for a quick reference.

  1. Call Count - Total Inbound Calls that landed to the IVR

  2. Calls completed within IVR - Total number of calls that were completed within IVR

  3. Number of calls requested for an agent: Number of calls that were requested to connect with an agent

  4. Calls offered to Agents - Number of calls which were offered to agent to connect

  5. Calls taken by Agents - Calls which are accepted by agent and customer and agent are both connected on the call

Total Call Count Trend

  1. Call Count - Day wise trend of total inbound calls that landed to the IVR

  2. Agent Transfer % - % of calls which have been transferred to the agents i.e number of calls requested for an agent / inbound call count

Unique Customers Summary

  1. Unique Customers - Unique customer phone numbers that were dialed to IVR

  2. Unique Customers Connected - Unique customer phone numbers that were connected to the agents

  3. % Unique Customers Connected - Daily Trend of % of unique customers that were connected to the agents

% Abandoned and Trend

  1. % Abandoned - % of calls which were abandoned after requesting for an agent i.e ( number of calls requested for an agent - calls taken by agent ) / inbound call count

  2. % Abandoned Trend - Daily trend of % abandoned calls

SLA and Agent Count Summary / Trend

  1. % SLA - Number of calls answered within SLA / Number of calls requested for an agent - Number of calls abandoned within SLA. *SLA preset is configurable and can be changed

  2. Active Agents - Count of agents active to connect with the customers on the call

Average Handle Time Summary / Trend

  1. Average Handle Time - Average time taken to handle the customer on the inbound call ( handle time = talk time + hold time + after call wrap up time)

  2. Average Speed of Answer - Average time taken by the agent to connect with the customer post the customer requests to connect with the agent

Overall Call Centre KPIs

  1. Avg IVR Time - Average time taken by customers in IVR

  2. Avg Voice Bot Time - Average time taken by customers with Voice Bot (* if applicable)

  3. Avg Queue Time - Average time customers waited in queue to be answered by the agents

  4. Average Ring Time - Average time the call rang for customers waiting for agents to answer

  5. Average Talk Time - Average talk time between customer and agent on the call

  6. Average Hold Time - Average time the customer was put on hold during the call

  7. Average Wrap Time - Average time the agent took to wrap up/ fill the ACW for the customer call

%FCR and Reapeat Caller Trend

  1. % FCR - % unique customers who called only once

  2. Repeat Customers (within 24hours) - Count of unique customers who called back within 24 hours since their last call

  3. % Repeat Callers 24hrs - Daily trend of % of repeat customers who reach out within 24 hrs

Disposition Summary

Column Chart indicating the various dispositions that have been filled on different number of calls

  1. Call Disposition - The name of call disposition that is filled by the agent on the inbound customer call

  2. Number of Calls Taken - Number of calls that were connected to the agent with the specific dispositionverage time the customer was put on hold during the call

Outbound KPIs

Volume Analysis and Trend

  1. Total Calls Attempted - Number of outbound calls attempted by the agent/ dialer

  2. Total Calls Connected - Number of outbound calls which got connected with the customer

  3. Connect % - % of calls which got connected out of all the attempted calls

Dialer Type Summary

  1. Dialer Calls Attempted - Number of outbound calls which got attempted via a dialer

  2. Dialer Calls Connected - Number of outbound calls which got attempted via a dialer and later got connected with the customer

  3. Manual Calls Attempted - Number of outbound calls which got manually dialed / attempted

  4. Manual Calls Connected - Number of outbound calls which got manually and got connected with the customer

  5. Scheduled Callbacks Attempted - Number of scheduled callbacks that were attempted by the agent

  6. Scheduled Callbacks Connected - Number of scheduled callbacks that got connected with agent and customer both connected

  7. Dialer Connect % - % of dialer calls which got connected with customer and agent both over total dialer attempted calls

  8. Manual Connect % - % of manual calls which got connected with customer and agent both over total manual attempted calls

  9. Scheduled Callback % - % of scheduled callbacks which got connected with customer and agent both over total scheduled callbacks

Abandoned Calls Trend

  1. Total Calls Abandoned - Number of outbound calls where customer and agent didnt connect on the call

  2. % Abandoned - Daily trend of number of abandoned outbound calls / Total number of outbound attempted calls

Average Call Time Stats

  1. Average Handle Time - Average time of talk + hold + wrap time of the outbound call i.e overall duration of the call

  2. Average Talk Time - Average talk time between customer and agent on the outbound call

  3. Average Hold Time - Average time the customer was put on hold during the outbound call

  4. Average Wrap Time - Average time the agent took to wrap up/ fill the ACW for the customer call

Disposition Summary

  1. Call Disposition - Disposition/ ACW details that is being filled by the agent on the call

  2. Call Sub Disposition - Sub Disposition/ ACW details that is being filled by the agent on the call

  3. Call Count - Trend of calls which have varioud dispositions and sub-dispositions being filled

Call Status and Idle Time

  1. Call Completion Status - Trend of % of calls with different call completion status

  2. Idle Time Trend - Daily trend of average idle time of the agents

Login Trend

  1. Login Count - Count of agents who are logged into the system

  2. Login Trend - Daily trend of count of agent who logged into the system