Strategy Groups Roles & Permissions


In advertising, roles and permissions are crucial for managing campaigns effectively and securely. In this article, you will learn about the different permissions available for Strategy Groups and their respective privileges for users having access to this module.


  • All Strategy Group permissions that a user has can only be used to take actions on ad accounts s/he has access to with either the All Permissions or Manage Ads access within the Account Settings page.

  • Global Admins automatically have All Permissions access to all accounts.

Strategy Groups in Ads Roles and Permissions

Permission Details



Allows users to apply Strategy Groups.

Create All

Allows users to create Strategy Groups using either/all of the optimizations in Ads Manager and Ads Composer.

Create Pacing Control

Allow users to create a Strategy Group with Pacing Control optimization.

Create Stop Loss

Allow users to create a Strategy Group with Stop Loss optimization.

Create Smart Budget Allocation

Allow users to create a Strategy Group with Smart Budget optimization.

Create Smart Bidding

Allow users to create a Strategy Group with Smart Bidding optimization.

Create Ad Rotation

Allow users to create a Strategy Group with Ad Rotation optimization.

Create Smart Day Parting

Allow users to create a Strategy Group with Ads Day Parting optimization.

Understanding the Ads Roles and Permissions within Strategy Groups is the key to maximizing ad campaign efficiency. By leveraging these permissions effectively, advertisers can tailor their strategies to achieve targeted results, ensuring optimal performance across digital platforms like Ads Manager and Ads Composer.