Automating Sub Campaign Creation Using the Rule Engine



You can automate the process of creating Sub Campaigns by specifying certain criteria or conditions under which Sub Campaigns can be created. You can set a start and end date for your Sub Campaign, give it a name, and set custom properties. You can also let the Sub Campaign inherit its properties from the main Campaign itself.  

To Automate Sub Campaign Creation 

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Scroll down to Platform Modules and under Collaborate click the Rule Engine option 

  2. In the top right corner of the Rule Engine window, click Create New Rule. For more information, see Create a Rule

  3. In the New Rule window, fill in the required details. Make sure you select Campaign from the Context dropdown.  

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  4. Modify the values for Activation Date, Rule Execution Batch, Rule Type, and Custom Fields. To proceed with the default values, click Next in the bottom right corner. 

  5. In the Rule Builder window, select Add Condition to set up specific scenarios that must be met before an action is triggered. You can also chain multiple conditions together to refine the scenarios. 

  6. In this example, we are setting the condition as Campaign Owner = DND USA | Requiring Regional Approvals, under the section Conditions Applies to Author of Content.  

  7. To configure actions in a rule, select Add Action on the Yes or a No branch of the condition depending on when you want the action to be executed.  

  8. To define the Sub Campaign to be created, under Action which are applicable for Campaign, select Create Sub Campaign.

  9.  Here you can:  

    1. Define Start and End dates: You can specify the start and end dates for your Sub Campaigns with respect to the main Campaign. To do this, simply enter a numeric value and value type.  
      For example, if you want the Sub Campaign to start 5 days after the start of the main Campaign, add 5 as the value and select Days as the value type. If the Sub Campaign needs to end 1 week before the main Campaign, add -1 as the value and select Weeks as the value type. 

    2. Define Sub Campaign Name: You can specify a name for your Sub Campaign. In case you don’t, the Sub Campaign will inherit its name from the parent Campaign.  

    3. Define Fields: You can define the different standard and custom fields of your Sub Campaign 

    4. Inherit Fields from Parent Campaign: You can specify the fields that are to be inherited from the Parent Campaign. Only those custom fields that are tagged to both Parent Campaign and Sub Campaign can be inherited. 

  10. Finally, click Save in the bottom right corner to enable your Rule, or Save as Draft to create a draft version of your rule.