View and Manage User Generated Content


User Generated Content (UGC) is a pivotal feature within an Advocacy program that allows advocates to suggest content. UGC refers to the Content Suggestions made by advocates who are part of the program. By incorporating UGC, brands can amplify their message, establish credibility, and foster a sense of community among advocates. 

User Generated Content (UGC) is essential in Advocacy programs for these key reasons: 

    Authenticity: UGC offers genuine content from advocates, building trust and relatability. 

    Engagement Boost: UGC encourages advocate participation, strengthening community ties. 

    Cost-Effective: UGC minimizes content creation efforts and resources. 

    Emotional Impact: UGC fosters peer connection and inspiration. 

Setting Up Content Suggestions 

Admins can enable Content Suggestions to allow advocates to contribute content. Follow these steps: 

  1. Go to Admin Console's Pages tab. 

  2. Add a new menu item and select "Upload" type. 

  3. Name the menu item (e.g., "Suggest Content"). 

  4. Save changes and publish the site 


Admins can enable and control the content advocates suggest by: 

Suggestions for duplicate links that are already published can be avoided.  

Additionally, the autofill feature for content from suggested links can be disabled  

Autofill for UGC Screener questions can also be turned off. 


For Filtering UGC based on Response of Screener Questions: refer to this document 

Managing Content Suggestions: 

Admins can enhance content approval and publishing using the Engagement dashboard. Follow these steps: 

  1. Access the Engagement Dashboard in Sprinklr Social

  2. Create a dashboard and assign it a name. 

  3. Add a new column by clicking Add Column

    Inserting image...

  4. Select "User Generated Content" as the data source. 

  5. Choose "UGC Assets" and assign a name to the column. Specify the desired UGC status and the relevant advocacy account. 

  6. Within the UGC columns, you can approve or reject suggested content. 

  7. Edit and publish approved content directly to the advocacy site. 

Stay Notified on Incoming Suggestions: 

Program admins can receive notifications of Advocacy content suggestions. By creating a custom UGC rule, email notifications can be triggered for designated admins. Follow these steps: 

  1. Click Manage Rules within Sprinklr Social. 

  2. Select UGC in Customer rules and create a new rule. 

  3. Apply a condition on User Generated Assets on creation or update.

  4. Select status values verification required and approval pending

  5. Add action to Update User Generated Assets and select Send Email notification.

  6. Choose the users to be notified. 

  7. Set Email Subject in the action. 

Enhancing Admin Experience with Filters: 

Admins can now efficiently filter content suggestions based on specific screener properties, streamlining content management. Follow these steps: 

  1. Within the Admin Console, navigate to the Screener tab. 

  2. Select the relevant screener questions that you want to use as filters. 

  3. Designate these selected questions as Display as filter in UGC

  4. Create a custom field and assign values identical to those in the chosen screener questions marked for Display as filter in UGC. Include options like User generated content and Community user in the asset type. 

  5. Proceed to create a rule in the Customer (UGC) section. 

  6. In the rule's condition, select Advocacy Messages Associated with User Generated Assets

  7. Assign a specific value to the custom field created for UGC filtering. 

  8. Lastly, create a new engagement column and select the UGC custom field along with the desired value. This effectively filters incoming UGC based on the specified criteria. 


  • Showcase advocates' names who suggest content for visibility and recognition, you can enable this through admin console. Recognizing advocates motivates participation and encourages more content suggestions. 

  • Gamify UGC by awarding points and badges to advocates based on events and conditions like uploaded suggestion and suggestion approved.