How to Apply Volumatic Ads Benchmarks in Ads Composer


To Tag an Advertising Campaign via Ads Composer

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing - Advertising tab, click Ads Composer within Execute.

  2. On the Create an Ad Campaign window, select an ad account.

  3. Enter/select the details of the campaign. For more information, see About the Ads Composer. Click Next

  4. In the Advanced Configuration section, select a benchmark from the Select Benchmark drop-down menu.
    Selecting an advertising benchmark for the campaign in Ads Composer

  5. Navigate to the Review tab. 

  6. Click Publish at the bottom right corner to publish this campaign with the tagged benchmark.  


Through Ads Composer, tagging is only supported on the Paid Initiative level, though you can apply Ad Variant Benchmarks to this campaign through Ads Manager.