How to Apply Volumatic Ads Benchmarks using Ads Macros


To Tag via Macros

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing - Advertising tab, click Ads Manager within Analyze.

  2. On the Ads Manager window, select the desired Campaign(s) or Ad(s) you want to tag a benchmark to and click Macros from the bottom Edit panel. Click Build New Macro.
    Build new Macro in Ads Manager

3. On the Macro window for building a new macro, select Report Benchmark from the Select Field drop-down menu and set a benchmark for your macro.

Selecting Report Benchmark as the new macro in the Macro window

4. Click the Addition icon Space Add New Tab Icon alongside the Select Value field to add multiple macros.

5. Click Apply in the bottom-right corner to apply the macro.