Types of Tasks - General, Approval & Future


Tasks are action items assigned to specific users or the system itself. User Tasks assign tasks to users, user groups, or task queues to be completed while Service Tasks initiate automated tasks.

Types of Tasks:

Tasks can be categorized into two types based on the level of control you have over them.

The first type of tasks are those that you can take actions on. These tasks are typically within your control, and you have the ability to influence the outcome of these tasks through your actions. Any General or Approval Tasks come into this category. Users have the ability to interact with these tasks and update the status of these tasks.

The key distinction between a general task and an approval task lies in the options available for you to act on. General tasks typically go through a sequence of states: starting from Available, moving to In Progress, and eventually reaching completion.

On the other hand, an approval task is created specifically for the purpose of approving or rejecting a configuration change, and thus follows a different path of states: beginning at Available, and then either transitioning to Approved or Rejected.

The second type of tasks are those that you cannot take actions on. These tasks are typically outside of your control, and you do not have the ability to influence the outcome of these tasks through your actions. Future tasks come into this category.

Users do not have the ability to interact with these tasks nor can they update the status of these tasks. These are the tasks that will automatically become available after the previous task is completed. These tasks only exist to provide you with visibility into the entire workflow tasks that will be generated. You can also turn off Future tasks from the workflow, if that is something you prefer.