Create and Manage Dependencies



You can create Dependencies between interconnected or interdependent Tasks to better manage and visualize them. Dependencies allow you to manage complex projects more easily and stay aware of Tasks that are blocking or being blocked by other Tasks. Before adding Dependencies to your Project, you must enable Dependencies and set parameters for them in Dependency Settings.

Dependency Settings

1. In any Task View, click the Dependency Settings icon on the top right corner of your window.


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2. To enable Dependencies, make sure to enable the Dependency between Tasks toggle.

3. If your Task has Sub-tasks, you can enable the Inherit Sub-task Dates toggle. This will auto-assign start and end dates to the Parent Task based on the earliest starting and last ending Sub-task.

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4. You can choose whether you want your Dependencies to be Strict, Flexible or No Action.

5. If you select No Action Dependencies, the Start and End dates of dependent Tasks will not change when Start and End Dates of the current Task are updated.

So, if a Task starts or finishes after the selected Start or End date of a dependent Task and the Start and End dates are updated as such, it will have no effect on the Start or End date of the dependent Task.


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6. With, Flexible Dependencies, Start and End dates of dependent Tasks will change based on updates to the Start and End dates of the current Task. However, the lag or time gap between Tasks is not maintained.

So, for example, in the case of a Start-to-Start dependency, if a dependent Task B is set to start 2 days after the start of current Task A, but Task A's Start date is updated to be 2 days after Task B's scheduled Start date, Task B's Start date will automatically change to immediately after Task A's new Start date.


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7. Strict Dependencies ensure that the Start and End dates of dependent Tasks change based on updates to the Start and End dates of the current Task, while also maintaining the lag between Tasks.

Here, for example, in the case of a Finish-to- Start dependency, if dependent Task B is set to start 2 days after the end of current Task A, but Task A's End date is updated to be 2 days after Task B's scheduled start date, then Task B's start date will automatically change to 2 days after Task A's new End date.


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8. You can enable the Duration toggle to calculate the estimated Task duration, or the time required to complete the Task based on scheduled Task start and End dates. You can also enter just the Start Date and the Duration (in days) required for a particular Task in the Task Sheet, in the Start Date and Duration columns respectively, to automatically calculate End Date.

9. If you have Duration enabled, it's also recommended to enable the Project Working Days toggle where you can select Project working days and add a Holiday List. This ensures that non-working days and holidays are not taken into account when estimating Task durations or setting Start and End Dates. Duration must be enabled for Project Working Days to function.

Note: Business Hours and Holiday Lists can be updated in Platform Settings by your Global/ Workspace Admin.


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10. Baseline allows you to track planned Task Start/ End dates and Project duration versus actual Start/ End dates and duration. Baseline is essentially the orginal planned timeline of each of your Tasks.

When Baseline is enabled, three non-editable columns, Baseline Start Date (originally scheduled start date), Baseline End Date (originally scheduled end date) and Baseline Variation (variation between the scheduled and actual start/end dates) are added to the Task Sheet. This helps you track variation of project schedule from the baseline.

Baseline is a useful tool for reporting and risk management. It helps you identify Tasks that are going overdue and blocking other dependent Tasks. If your Task is going over it's baseline, you'll get a notification popup over the Dependency icon and the degree of variation will become highlighted in Dependency settings under Baseline.


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Create Dependencies

1. Once you have enabled Dependencies and adjusted Dependency settings according to your requirements, Dependency related columns: Dependent On, Duration (if Duration is enabled), and Baseline Start Date/ End Date/ Variation (if Baseline is enabled) will automatically be added to your Task Sheet.


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2. Double click the field in the Dependent On column corresponding to the Task you want to set Dependencies for.

3. Alternatively, open the Task Overlay by hovering over a Task's title in Task Sheet view and clicking View Details. Navihate to and click on the Dependent on field to add Dependencies.


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3. In the Dependency Editor you can add dependent Tasks and set Dependency type. If you have selected Strict Dependency in Dependency settings, you will also be able to set Lag between Tasks.

4. Click the X icon to remove an added Dependency and click the + icon to add more Dependencies.

5. Click Clear to remove all Dependencies.

6. Click Save to save your Dependencies.

Note: Avoid creating Circular Dependencies. Refer to this article for more details on Circular Dependencies.