Reorder Tasks and Sub-Tasks in Task Sheet View



You can use a drag-and-drop feature to change the order of Tasks and Sub Tasks in the Task Sheet. To use this feature, you’ll need to select the relevant row(s) in the Task Sheet and then drag and drop the Tasks where you want them. You can drag and drop multiple Tasks at once. If the selected Task has Sub Tasks, the Sub Tasks will be moved along with the main Task.

Dragging and Dropping Tasks

Depending on where you drop a Task in the Task Sheet, you can change its stature. This table illustrates the results of taking specific actions on the Tasks in a Task Sheet. If you’re dragging and dropping multiple Tasks at once, the same results will apply to all the selected Tasks.



Dropping the Task between another Task and its Sub Task.

The Task becomes the Sub Task of the Task it’s dropped under

Dropping the Task between two Sub Tasks of another Task

The Task gets added to the list of Sub Tasks.

Dropping the Task below the last Sub Task in a list of Sub Tasks or above a Task with Sub Tasks

This changes the location of the Task in the Task Sheet without altering its stature.

Dragging and dropping a Task with Sub Tasks of its own, under a Task with Sub Tasks

The Task becomes a Sub Task of the Task it’s dropped under. It retains its Sub Tasks which become Sub-sub Tasks nested under the new main Task.

Dragging and Dropping Sub Tasks

Reordering Sub Tasks using drag and drop works similarly to reordering Tasks. The table below will illustrate the results of performing specific actions on Sub Tasks in a Task Sheet.



Dragging a Sub Task between two other Sub Tasks under the same parent Task

This reorders the list of Sub Tasks

Dragging a Sub Task away from its parent Task, below a Task with no Sub Tasks

The Sub Task gets converted to a Task.

Dragging a Sub Task away from its parent Task and dropping it between the Sub Tasks of another Task

Changes the parent Task of the Sub Task