Summary Bar in Task Sheet view and Task Timeline View



The Summary Bar provides a comprehensive analytical summary of each column in the Task Sheet. You can locate it at the bottom of the sheet, in Task sheet and Task timeline view. Hovering over a column reveals the Summary button for the column. By default, the summary function for each field is 'None'. To select a different summarization function, hover over the column for that field, click the Summary button and select the required summarization function. The types of summary functions available will depend on the type of field.

Summary Bar Functions

Summary Bar Function


Available With


No Formula

All task fields


Number of fillled cells in the field

All task fields except Checkbox type fields


Number of empty cells in the field

All task fields except Checkbox type fields


Number of unique (filled) cells in the field

All task fields except Checkbox and Attachment type fields

Percentage Filled

(Total number of filled cells x 100 )/ Total number of tasks

All task fields except Checkbox, Currency, Percentage and Number type fields

Percentage Empty

(Total number of empty cells x 100 )/ Total number of tasks

All task fields except Checkbox, Currency, Percentage and Number type fields

Percentage Unique

(Total number of unique (filled) cells x 100)/ Total number of tasks

All task fields except Checkbox, Currency, Percentage, Number and Attachment type fields


Number of checked cells in the field

Only Checkbox type fields


Number of unchecked cells in the field

Only Checkbox type fields

Percentage Checked

(Total number of checked cells x 100)/ Total number of tasks

Only Checkbox type fields

Percentage Unchecked

(Total number of unchecked cells x 100)/ Total number of tasks

Only Checkbox type fields


Least value among all the values in the cells in the field

Only with Number, Percentage and Currency type fields


Maximum value among all the values in the cells in the field

Only with Number, Percentage and Currency type fields


Average of all the filled cells in the field. Precision level of the average is same as that of field values

Only with Number, Percentage and Currency type fields


Value that's exactly in the middle when all the cell values are ordered

Only with Number, Percentage and Currency type fields


Sum of all the cell values

Only with Number, Percentage and Currency type fields


Difference of minimum and maximum cell values

Only with Number, Percentage and Currency type fields

Standard Deviation

Mathematically defined standard deviation of the cell values

Only with Number, Percentage and Currency type fields

Earliest Date

Earliest date among all the dates in the cells of the field

Only with Date type fields

Latest Date

Latest date among all the dates in the cells of the field

Only with Date type fields

Date Range (Days)

Difference between earliest and latest date in days

Only with Date type fields

Date Range (Months)

Difference between earliest and latest date in months (rounded up)

Only with Date type fields