Audio Issues Debugging Steps


Pre-Check Requirement

1. Is the Agent readiness enabled in partner?

a. This can be checked in Voice Debug console in partner level configuration tab 


2. What type of headsets do the agents use?

b. This can be checked in Debug Console in the MICROPHONE_ACCESS_SUCCESS message 

3. If the headset type is Jabra/Voyager Enable the DP: ADVANCE_HEADSET. 

a. If Jabra is used, Add the value JABRA to the DP. 

b. If Voyager is used, Add the value VOYAGER to the DP. 

4. If ADVANCE_HEADSET DP is enabled, check if HID permission is provided by the agent after connecting the headset. 

5. If ADVANCE_HEADSET DP is not enabled, Check what is the current input, output device and ringtone device. You can also do a test run, for the input, output and ringtone device.

6. If the issue is still persistent, Navigate to settings of your computer--> System --> Sound and check if the intended device that was supposed to be used is visible. If the device is not visible, reconnect the device once again and check. 

7. If the issue is still persistent, go to control panel and check if the driver of device is malfunctioning. Reach out to your IT team and get the driver fixed. 


NOTE: The user should make sure all these steps are working correctly. If any of these steps fails, the user needs to get it fixed with our support team. 


List of Possible Issues: 

1. Agent Audio not audible to the customer, but customer audio is audible. 

A. Steps to debug: 

i. If Agent audio is audible in the recording --> Raise it to provider directly 

ii. If Agent audio is not audible in the recording--> check the audio level in debug console. 

a. If audio level is 0, reconnect the device and do a test outbound call to verify everything is working fine 

2. Customer Audio not audible to the Agent, but Agent audio is audible. 

A. Steps to debug: 

i. If customer audio is not audible in recording --> Raise it to provider 

ii. If customer audio is audible in recording 

a. Check the output device which is currently mapped 

b. Check the audio level in debug console.  

i) If audio level >0, check the output device