What is Debug Log?



Debug logs can provide administrators with helpful insights into the bot's performance, areas for improvement, and any shortcomings by conducting a thorough analysis.

Benefits of Debug Log

Debug logs assist bot admins in obtaining useful insights into the bot's performance by:

  • Documenting all user activity, including their actions and dialogues.

  • Maintaining a thorough history of the bot's operations and interactions.

  • Monitoring the bot's performance over time.

  • Enabling bot admins to adjust or enhance the bot as needed to ensure smooth and effective operations.

  • Providing comprehensive real-time insights into node activities.

  • Displaying a pop-up modal view of the Dialogue Tree on clicking "View Node".

  • Displaying Debug Log icons similar to Dialogue Tree icons, allowing for quick and easy identification of nodes.

Learn More

  • A Debug Log in Console can help pinpoint where the bot flow broke in past conversations, and speed up issue resolution. To learn more, see How to Use Debug Log in Console?