Ads Manager FAQs


What is the difference between a Board and a Template in Ads Manager?

A Board is a broader configuration option including column configuration (template) and filters whereas a Template is only a column configuration. A Template is primarily used to export data in the same format whereas a Board is used to share the same view across teams/regions to analyze data.

Will my Ads pause if the Ad Account is deactivated?

No, your Ads will continue to run. However, it will no longer sync any data from your Ad Account.

Is there a way to view the Spend Cap details in Ads Manager column configuration?

You can use the Lifetime Budget column configuration at the Campaign level to view the spend cap details in Ads Manager.

How can I see what Campaigns are assigned to a Budget Source within the Settings of each individual Budget Source?

You can do this by applying a filter on Budget Source within Ads Manager.

If I edit the name of a Campaign within Sprinklr Ads Manager, will that transfer over to the Facebook Ads Manager as well?

Yes, the change in the Campaign name in Sprinklr Ads Manager will transfer over to the Facebook Ads Manager as well.

If I link a Facebook ad account into Sprinklr, how long does it take to have the campaigns that exist on Facebook be shown in Sprinklr?

It should not take more than 10 minutes. However, you must give 24 hours for full sync.

Is it possible to filter campaigns in Ads Manager by the social page/account that was used on the ad variant?

Currently, you cannot filter campaigns in Ads Manager by the social page/account used on the ad variant.

If a change is done on a campaign through Sprinklr Ads Manager, for example, a change on the creative, how is this tracked on the native channel?

Any actions taken over the API (page or ad account) are always attributed natively to whoever authenticated the token (synced the page/ad account into Sprinklr), regardless of who took the actual action on the platform. Thus, the Audit Trail in Ads Manager will be the source of truth.

Is it possible to edit Custom Fields in Bulk?

Yes, you can bulk edit Custom Fields while editing Ad Entities within Ads Manager. Note that the controlling Custom Fields will not be supported for bulk updation. As controlling custom fields are either dependent or impact other Custom Fields, thus this restriction has been put in place. These will be separated under the Cannot bulk edit controlled or controlling custom fields section.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Internal Note:

Use this DP: PAID_CUSTOM_FIELD_PUBLISH_CHECK_ENABLED - It will decide whether custom fields have to be validated or not.

Enablement of this capability requires additional setup.

When campaigns are created on social platforms and then imported, they carry the naming from the social network. How can I ensure that the imported campaigns have the updated Sprinklr Naming Convention?

You will need to apply a macro (add a link) to update the Naming Convention in Ads Manager.

What will happen if I change the timezone in Date Range Filter?

The entities and performance data as per dates in that timezone. Additionally, any date column (Start Date / End Date / Modified Time) will get updated in that timezone accordingly.